Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Melissa and Doug

My little Munchkin got a Melissa and Doug wooden train set for Christmas. It came with so many parts I didn't know what I'd do with all of them. After coming home (early) on Christmas, we pulled it out of the box and started putting the tracks together. We made a track around the dining room table and Munchkin went to town with his magnetic Thomas trains. 

After looking through the bigger pieces the next day, we noticed 2 of the 3 main pieces didn't work properly/fit together. And of course it was after we already threw the box away. So we went back to the Hobby store we got it from and they didn't have anymore of the sets and they advised us to contact the maker of the set, Melissa and Doug. This was last night.

This afternoon, actually an hour ago, I emailed Melissa and Doug and explained the situation and even sent them pictures of the pieces. I'm not kidding, 10 minutes later I got a response. And it wasn't an automated response, it was a person!! And they said to call, so I did. 

All in all, 30 minutes after I emailed Melissa and Doug, we have a solution. They got my information and are sending me the parts that didn't work properly/fit together. AT NO CHARGE!! And I don't have to send them the pieces back either. I'd like to say how amazing this problem ended. Because of this experience, I will be purchasing more Melissa and Doug wooden toys in the future.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Day Surprise


My 6am wake-up call came a little early this morning. I wanted to be all showered and ready for the day with so much going on. Our agenda went like this:

9:30am- Breakfast and presents at the hubb's parent's house.

12:30pm to 7:30pm- Lunch, white elephant, games, and dinner at my parent's house.

I only woke up so early so I could be ready, and have everything prepared for Munchkin to get up and open presents, then hurry off to the in-laws to share in the Holiday. He usually is up like clock work around 7:30am. So by 8am I was a little shocked that he was still snoozing away. So after we had everything loaded in the car besides ourselves and our precious little man. We woke him up, recorded him seeing his presents from Santa, and then opening gifts. Before long we were loaded and on our way east.

Upon arrival, they were just finishing setting up the grandkids (total of 3) gifts in the living room. So they gave the green light and the kids ran in to see their big items already put together. We ate brunch and then finished opening gifts. 

At straight up noon we headed north to my folks' house. Arrived, ate lunch, and then started playing some games with my little cousins while Munchkin napped. After my parents, aunt, uncle, and grandparents finished the game upstairs, they came down and joined in on some holiday games. 

We were just waiting on my brother, sister in law, and nephews when the hubbs yelled down stairs at me to check my phone. I came up to check and saw I had quite a few missed calls. He was talking to his parents and looked pretty concerned. After he got off the phone he told me what happened...

Right then it was about 4:30pm. My missed calls were from 2:30pm. Apparently someone tried to break into our house! We had just gotten an email from our neighborhood police officer and he said that some one the houses in our neighborhood had gotten broken into. And the vehicle they were looking for is an older maroon ford SUV. Well I wasn't really paying attention when we left this morning, but thankfully the hubbs was because he saw it and memorized their license plate. Anywho, the alarm company said that we needed to go home and make sure nothing was missing. Went home, nothing out of place. The alarm said the back door, motion sensor, and garage door went off. 

Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep last night. And we missed dinner at my parents so we ordered chinese.

Merry Christmas. Praise the Lord nothing happened! 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Fred's Been Busy

Still waiting for the good news we found out? Well you're going to have to hold on a bit longer to find out, so stay tuned. 

Last week was one of my bestie's birthdays. She lives in San Diego and I was so close to hoping on a plane and heading to the west coast. So sad I couldn't make it, but glad to hear she had a fabulous weekend. Saturday was one of my nephew's birthdays also, Sunday was his party and it was such a great time. A ton of kids, good food, and great company. Had a blast. 

We can hardly believe that Christmas is just around the corner. Is everyone ready? Here is a look at what Fred has been up to lately...

Munchkin woke up to Fred eating in his high chair. Even though he hardly ever sits in his high chair, he got a little mad that Fred was in it....

... Therefore I had to move Fred from the high chair to another "chair".

Fred was really roughing it when he set up camp on the coffee table while watching some cartoons.

Now those are two cuties! Fred and Mr. Potato Head are now best friends.

Fred is a big fan of Munchkin's new shoes.

Munchkin loves it when Fred is "eating". So of course Fred heard and decided to hang out with some grapefruit.

Fred likes to climb up the Christmas tree.

Nice and cozy if Fred in Munchkin's stalking hanging over the fireplace. 

Happy Munchkin :-) 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Elf on the Shelf update

Fred, our Elf on the Shelf, seems to be having some fun lately...

Fred was having a food fight today with Pup in the kitchen.

This last weekend our little Munchkin stayed at Nana and Papa's house. So Sunday Fred got caught trying to sneak some candy.

Saturday afternoon, Fred was just taking everything in, in the fireplace at Nana and Papa's house. 

Saturday morning Fred was just hanging around over the kitchen table.

Friday Fred was catching up on his reading.

This last weekend the Hubbs and I ventured down to Oklahoma City to just get away for the weekend. It was nice and relaxing, and we even got a little shopping in. By little, I mean a lot. It was great to get away just us two but we were ready to see our little man when we got back. 

Oh, and we got some good news today... More to follow...  

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Elf on the Shelf

Have you heard of Elf on the Shelf? Well it's been all over Pinterest lately, so I got curious as to what this little mischievous elf was all about. 

Venture out to your local book store to see if they have this elf to share with your family. It comes with a book, and of course the elf. It tells of this magical little elf that was sent from the North Pole from Santa to keep tabs on your little ones. You know, making sure they are going to be on the nice list this year. And every night the magical little elf reports back to Santa in the North Pole. Each morning when your little ones wake, he'll be in a different place. Either making fun trouble, or simply in a new location keeping the kiddo's on their toes. 

Here is our elf's first spot in the Pringle household. Who knows what our magical little elf's name will be, but I'm sure he'll be bringing tons of Christmas spirit into our home. 

Keep watching for updates on where and what he'll be doing till Christmas.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


It has only been a week and I have finished all four of the Twilight books. Needless to say, they are slightly addicting.

Now I have been trying to rent the movies to watch those before going with a few friends next week to see then new movie. I've only watched the first two, the Eclipse movie is slightly harder to find for some reason. Every movie store close to us are always "sold out" of them.

Twilight has definitely sucked me in, but I will still not be wearing the t-shirts... Yet.

Now that I've been addicted to my Kindle in the past week, I have already downloaded my next book:

Water for Elephants.

I am interested to see how I like it since I am more into the

Friday, November 11, 2011


I have a confession to make... I have never seen any of the Twilight movies, BUT I did start reading the first book on Wednesday, and I'm almost done with it (two days later). 

I must say, they're very interesting. And oh so romantic! Why can't every man be so romantic. 

It would be in every man's best interest to read these books, or to see the movies at least. 

Now don't go thinking I'm turning into one of those ladies wearing the Twilight t-shirts or screaming over Edward or Jacob. But I will be reading all the books and then watching the movies... 

I got sucked in. Don't judge me.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tuesday Thoughts

Today I am toddler-less.

It is a crazy feeling. And I do not know if I enjoyed today, or if I was just missing my baby all day and doing things to keep myself busy so that the day would pass quicker. 

My to-do list for my Toddler-less Tuesday:
1. Clean Bathrooms
2. Laundry
3. Meal Plan
4. Grocery List
5. Color Hair
6. Bank 
7. Beau Monde
8. Work

Is it hard to believe that this is my first full day that my Munchkin is not with me? I mean he's stayed the night at Nana and Papa's/Gram and Papa's before. But that is usually because we have plans. Today, no real plans. 

I have an hour till I'm supposed to be at my JLW General Meeting... and I'm still sitting on my chase in my bedroom watching a movie and blogging, surprised? I'm not. 

I've been obsessed with Pandora lately. Either Lady Antebellum or Lady Gaga. 

Isn't it how it works that when you go on a budget, all you can think about is shopping? 

Halloween was fun. Spent all day playing with my Munchkin. Went to Music class, played at the park, and had a blast trick or treating with family. 

I need a maid. 

How come in movies everyone always has a full face of make up on when they wake up and after they get sprayed with a hose, their hair dries perfectly with curls 30 minutes later? Pretty unrealistic. It should show them with bed head and pillow lines on their face, and after the hose thing their hair should be flat and stringy. Ha ha, now that is more like it. 

I am really hoping we can get some sleep tonight. Mostly so that my Munchkin can get some well needed rest. Guess we'll see. 

Potty training keeps going back and forth. Some days he does so well and keeps a dry pull up on all day. Other days he screams if I even say the word "potty". I just don't want to push it on him but I feel like I shouldn't just drop it...??

Friday, October 21, 2011

Mom-mom Cloud 9

Today my Munchkin had school. And since the beginning I have gone to pick him up 45 minutes early because he was always so tired and would get extra fussy. Well he usually screams and freaks out when I drop him off, still does. But I got a phone call about 15 minutes before I needed to leave to get him and figured I was needing to come right away. Boy was I wrong. They told me that I can wait and pick him up at the regular pick up time.

I was shocked. I was so happy. I was nervous. I about cried. Yep, I'm a cry baby. But I kept it together and looked to the sky.

So I checked the clock every 3-5 minutes to make sure I would be on time, early. On time for me is about 5-10 minutes early, I'm one of those people.

So about 20 minutes till (we are 2 miles away) I gave in and headed to the church. Realizing I was way early, I made a pit stop at Starbucks... I couldn't resist. Then back on my mission to pick up my every growning Munchkin. {Side note: why is it that when you want Starbucks to take a while, they're quick. But when you want them to be quick, they take FOREVER?!}

I walk through the door to the church and it's empty. I check my phone to make sure I was not incredibly late. Nope. "On time." So I head back to my Munchkin's classroom and I see the director and we chat about his improvement in such a short time. She praised how amazing he did and how he's really starting to use his words more.


One thing to make this day even better? If he were to sleep through the night again. {Last night he was up from 1:30a-5:30a, yeah.} But after what his teacher and the director said, I don't care how he slept last night, or how exhausted I am.

I am truly on Mom-mom Cloud 9.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Last year I signed up for In Home Visits through the Parents as Teachers (PAT) program at his school. Well this year we finally got assigned a teacher. She comes once a month and makes sure this little guy is right on schedule developmentally. 

At the second visit he got the 3rd year assessment (since it's his 3rd year of living... make sense?). Anyways, he passed with flying colors except on one thing. Fine motor skills. 

So I've been racking my brain for things to help with "Fine Motor Skills" besides the one she recommended- stacking little blocks which we've done a lot lately. So I read not too long ago about pouring rice/dirt/beans helping with this. 

Well this morning I figured was as good time as ever to start. Being that I'm such a clean freak and do not like messes, I decided to contain him in his high chair. 

I pulled out the abundance of {uncooked} elbow noodles out of the pantry and lots of bowls, cups, spoons, etc. for him to play with. I'm dead serious, be played like this, speechless, for an HOUR!! He has never done this before (being quiet and content with something for more than 5 minutes). 

Next I might try rice or beans to "shake" it up a bit. Ooooh maybe even put some in a bottle or something with a narrow opening so it's harder to pour into.

Here are some pictures of my little Munchkin enjoying his "Noo'le Pour" Time

Walter's Pumpkin Patch

This last Sunday our family, with some cousins and grandparents, ventured out to El Dorado to Walter's Pumpkin Patch. I have only been to one other pumpkin patch before in my life and that was when my Munchkin was not even 2 months old. So this experience was so much better since he was able to actually enjoy it himself. 

Right after walking through the gates, there is a little pumpkin patch for kids to run around and play in, and also for picture purposes I'm sure.

Fun little rocking horses for kids, and behind is a little petting zoo, ladder with loft and stairs, and a corn pit... 

Train ride which Munchkin did not stay in for more than 30 seconds...

Good thing, because then I got to ride with him on the front in the "buggy" which he ended up loving!!

My Munchkin is really into tunnels right now, so imagine the look on his face when he saw a TUNNEL SLIDE!!! He was in heaven! We went on these slides (there are 2) probably 10 times and he still wanted more.

Miniature hay maze for kids.

Trike races for adults and kids. I think Daddy and Uncle loved these more than Munchkin, but I cannot get over the look on his face here!! So cute!

Cow tire swings. He was not sure of it at first, but after watching 2 of his cousins on them, he gave it a go. Then did not want to get off after about 10 minutes.

More swinging.

Cousin and Aunt swinging.

Two cousins, Aunt, and Uncle swinging.

Munchkin and Daddy after finding perfect pumpkin.

Such a big boy, he wanted to carry his pumpkin even though he kept saying "heavy pump".

We had such a great time and are actually planning on going back again sometime this week or weekend if it warms up a bit. 

This pumpkin patch was by far the best I have ever been to!

10001 NW U.S. Highway 77
Burns, Kansas 66840

10 Reasons to Love the Terrible Twos

Okay, I am not this thoughtful when it comes to these stressful times. But I found this in an email I received from those "Mommy Sites". Here is the actual article, but below is the short hand.


1. They're Leaders in the Making
2. They Think Outside the Sandbox
3. They Have an Adventurous Spirit
4. They're Willing Little Helpers
5. They Live in the Moment
6. They're in Touch with Their Emotions
7. They Make Great Students
8. They See the Best in People
9. They Find Joy in the Little Things
10. They Believe Kisses Are Magic

Ever since I read this, I try and think when my little Munchkin acts out, which category he falls in. Which everyday he touches on about 5... So I think back to this article quite often these days.

Oh, and my kisses are magical :-)

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Last night was a longggg night.

Yesterday we drove up to a little town in Nebraska to visit some family and watch some football. My Munchkin was a trooper and did fantastic in the car on the way up. Took a good nap when we got there and played hard with all my younger cousins. Bed time rolled around and it took him an hour to fall asleep. Finally closed his peepers around 9 (goes to bed at 8 usually). Well he woke up at 11:30 and got sick in our bed. So while I cleaned Munchkin up, Hubbs cleaned the bed up. He got the sheets and pillow cases together and then I threw them in the washer. Munchkin finally went back to sleep around 2:30am. Woke up again at 4, and went back to sleep easily. Then he was up for the day at 5am.

My Aunt (who's house we were staying at) told us at breakfast that when she switched over the laundry that morning, there was a loud noise coming from the dryer, like a shoe or a race car or something. Come to find out it was the Hubb's cell phone...


Friday, September 30, 2011


What is your idea of productivity?

Over time, people's perception of productivity changes. 

As a child, my idea of being productive was getting my homework done on time so that I can go out with friends. I was not worried about laundry, cleaning, or planning meals and grocery store trips. 

Fast forward to college; I was living on my own, working two jobs, had a full time class schedule, and playing tennis. I was lucky to have five minutes to switch over my laundry on the weekends.

Married without children; I had plenty of time to clean the house, do laundry, get a meal plan in order and go to the grocery store. 

Newborn in the house; I was lucky to get a shower in everyday. Yet alone laundry, work, or applying make-up on a daily basis. 

I feel if you make something a priority, it will most likely always get accomplished. I really like organization, and it goes hand in hand with productivity. If you are organized with your weekly schedule, then you are less likely to fall behind in your "chores" or whatever it is that is most important to you. 

My idea of being productive today: First and foremost- playing with my Munchkin, he is so important and I would much rather play with him than fold laundry or unload the dishwasher. Here is my weekly productivity list:

Monday: Dust and Laundry
Tuesday: Sweet and Mop
Wednesday: Bathrooms
Thursday: Mirrors, Glass, and Kitchen
Friday: Laundry- sheets, clothes, towels, steam and iron. 
Saturday and Sunday: Family time

Of course my weekly productivity is mostly house-hold chores since I am a stay at home mom. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Mom-mom {Attempting} Turkey Trot

I've always "enjoyed" running. In middle school I ran cross country and took 5th in State my 8th grade year. High school I traded my running shoes in for tennis and cheerleading, but still ran. College, continued tennis and every week we had to run so far, and I still ran more on the side.

My main thing that has always been on my "bucket list" was to run some form of a marathon. So when my Sister in Law brought up the Turkey Trot, I was at first hesitant, but later decided it is now or never.

Over the summer I ran 2 miles every morning. But stopped about a month ago as it was just too dark in the mornings and did not feel it to be "safe" for a woman to go running alone in the pitch black.

My SIL sent me the Training Plan for a 10 mile marathon, and I'm a week late on getting on that. But I have started.

The preparation looks like this {I have slightly altered it to fit my schedule}

10 Mile Training Plan:
Week 1: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 3 miles. Saturday 4 miles
Week 2: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 3 miles. Saturday 5 miles
Week 3: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 3 miles. Saturday 6 miles
Week 4: Monday 4m. Wednesday, Friday 3 miles. Saturday 7 miles
Week 5: Monday 4m. Wednesday, Friday 3 miles. Saturday 8 miles
Week 6: Monday 4m. Wednesday, Friday 3 miles. Saturday 9 miles
Week 7: Monday, Wednesday 4 miles. Friday 3m. Satuday 10 miles
Week 8: Monday, Wednesday 4 miles. Tuesday, Friday 3 miles. Saturday 11 miles
Week 9: Monday, Wednesday 4 miles. Tuesday, Friday 3 miles. Saturday 5 miles
Week 10: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 4 miles. Saturday RACE DAY 10 miles

So there you have it. This will be my schedule till November 19th, RACE DAY!

But since I had been only running 2 miles before, I have to slowly even work my way up to 3 miles, yet alone 4 miles. This morning I ran 4.63 miles, well I should say I ran 4 miles and walked .63 miles. Took me 53 minutes. So, I have a little work to do.

I am not a fan of running mid-day. So this {3 month} Genesis Membership will really come in handy these next couple months that I will be training.

If you will be looking for me between 5:30 and 7am, I'll be there, running, a lot.

Should I even dare say that I am excited?

Friday, September 16, 2011

Munchkin's First Day of School

First day of school jitters. My Munchkin didn't have them. I did. 

Woke up, breakfast eaten. Lunch packed. Backpack ready. Snack included for entire class. Drink, wait, where is the drink? Oh yeah, in the fridge, where else would it be?

I sit back and take a deep breath before picking up from breakfast, and then look at the clock. Shhhhooot. It is 10 minutes till drop off time and little man has still to get dressed and his hairs did. 

Want to know how bad of a mom I am... Well not bad mom, forgetful mom. We rush into the church, back to Munchkin's classroom. The kids are all playing together and us moms are chit-chatting. Before I know it, the class door is open and it's my boy's turn to enter the classroom. A second later he's running into the class to go wash his hands and the teacher is taking his backpack, lunch box, and bag with the snacks. I did not get a kiss goodbye, a hug, or hardly even a wave. Right as I passed the doorway the teacher steps in front of me and says, "No parents in the classroom". Which I totally understand! But it made me sad that there he was, my big 2 year old, running to go start his day with his new friends. However, I was so proud of him, I was a little sad and felt like old news.

No first day of school pictures. I feel awful about it. How could a mom forget something like that? I know I shouldn't beat myself up about it. 

Well I kept my phone on me all morning. Because if they have problems or he has separation anxiety, then they'll call me. No phone call after leaving the church. No phone call after getting home. No phone call after ironing. No call after errands. No phone call heading to lunch. Then my phone rings, at lunch, downtown. Of course they have to call when I'm the furthest away. It took us 20 {of the longest} minutes to get to him. And when I walk into the office to pick him up, he's happy and playing. Sigh of relief. They said he did amazing this morning, he would just sometimes look around for me and cry a little, but then move onto another activity with the class and be fine. 

Game plan for next time: Bring his bunny {that he sleeps with during nap and every night}, pack some of favorite toys, and pick up an hour early since that is his nap time. 

So happy to hear he did so well. I think with this new Game Plan he'll do so well and he {and Mom-mom} are excited for next week.

All in all, PROUD MOM!! :-)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Happy Happenings

Nana came over yesterday (Wednesday) to spend the day with us. We had a great time, as usual. We spent the morning at the grocery store, organizing my closet, and of course playing! We also met the hubbs for lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings {yummmm}. In the afternoon I went shopping, and to get my ring fixed while Nana stayed at home during my Munchkin's nap.

While out shopping I got my little man a pair of Toms. I, personally, LOVE them. The hubbs is not quite sure yet. I am hopefully winning him over :-)

More sidewalk chalk art. I'm still pretty sure that I have more fun doing these than my little Munchkin...

He has always loved cars, trucks, tractors, boats, etc. And we have this book that has probably 50 different kinds of everything with an engine. Well he can name about 85% of them! We are really working on them, he LOVES this!! 

My Munchkin really enjoys tub-time now. He goes back and forth with this. So I'm happy that it's "on" now. He loves to blow bubbles {with his mouth mostly, however he does know how to toot and make bubbles that way too}. Loves to also "drive" his cars in, on, and around the water. His favorite bath toys are: Tonka train, Lightening McQueen car, panda head squirter, Happy Birthday duck, and the sun squirter.

Lounging around this morning watching cartoons. These are my favorite mornings with my Munchkin :-)

My house smells like banana bread. Jealous? ;-)

TO DO LIST for my Thursday:
1. Play with Munchkin
2. Clean bathrooms
3. Pick up ring from jeweler
4. Exchange Mom's Toms wedges
5. Dinner with the in-laws