Wednesday, October 19, 2011

10 Reasons to Love the Terrible Twos

Okay, I am not this thoughtful when it comes to these stressful times. But I found this in an email I received from those "Mommy Sites". Here is the actual article, but below is the short hand.


1. They're Leaders in the Making
2. They Think Outside the Sandbox
3. They Have an Adventurous Spirit
4. They're Willing Little Helpers
5. They Live in the Moment
6. They're in Touch with Their Emotions
7. They Make Great Students
8. They See the Best in People
9. They Find Joy in the Little Things
10. They Believe Kisses Are Magic

Ever since I read this, I try and think when my little Munchkin acts out, which category he falls in. Which everyday he touches on about 5... So I think back to this article quite often these days.

Oh, and my kisses are magical :-)

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