Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Last year I signed up for In Home Visits through the Parents as Teachers (PAT) program at his school. Well this year we finally got assigned a teacher. She comes once a month and makes sure this little guy is right on schedule developmentally. 

At the second visit he got the 3rd year assessment (since it's his 3rd year of living... make sense?). Anyways, he passed with flying colors except on one thing. Fine motor skills. 

So I've been racking my brain for things to help with "Fine Motor Skills" besides the one she recommended- stacking little blocks which we've done a lot lately. So I read not too long ago about pouring rice/dirt/beans helping with this. 

Well this morning I figured was as good time as ever to start. Being that I'm such a clean freak and do not like messes, I decided to contain him in his high chair. 

I pulled out the abundance of {uncooked} elbow noodles out of the pantry and lots of bowls, cups, spoons, etc. for him to play with. I'm dead serious, be played like this, speechless, for an HOUR!! He has never done this before (being quiet and content with something for more than 5 minutes). 

Next I might try rice or beans to "shake" it up a bit. Ooooh maybe even put some in a bottle or something with a narrow opening so it's harder to pour into.

Here are some pictures of my little Munchkin enjoying his "Noo'le Pour" Time

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