Still waiting for the good news we found out? Well you're going to have to hold on a bit longer to find out, so stay tuned.
Last week was one of my bestie's birthdays. She lives in San Diego and I was so close to hoping on a plane and heading to the west coast. So sad I couldn't make it, but glad to hear she had a fabulous weekend. Saturday was one of my nephew's birthdays also, Sunday was his party and it was such a great time. A ton of kids, good food, and great company. Had a blast.
We can hardly believe that Christmas is just around the corner. Is everyone ready? Here is a look at what Fred has been up to lately...
Munchkin woke up to Fred eating in his high chair. Even though he hardly ever sits in his high chair, he got a little mad that Fred was in it....
... Therefore I had to move Fred from the high chair to another "chair".
Fred was really roughing it when he set up camp on the coffee table while watching some cartoons.
Now those are two cuties! Fred and Mr. Potato Head are now best friends.
Fred is a big fan of Munchkin's new shoes.
Munchkin loves it when Fred is "eating". So of course Fred heard and decided to hang out with some grapefruit.
Fred likes to climb up the Christmas tree.
Nice and cozy if Fred in Munchkin's stalking hanging over the fireplace.
Happy Munchkin :-)
Too cute! What great memories you are creating with Jack about Christmas. Can't wait to see you all!!