Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Day Surprise


My 6am wake-up call came a little early this morning. I wanted to be all showered and ready for the day with so much going on. Our agenda went like this:

9:30am- Breakfast and presents at the hubb's parent's house.

12:30pm to 7:30pm- Lunch, white elephant, games, and dinner at my parent's house.

I only woke up so early so I could be ready, and have everything prepared for Munchkin to get up and open presents, then hurry off to the in-laws to share in the Holiday. He usually is up like clock work around 7:30am. So by 8am I was a little shocked that he was still snoozing away. So after we had everything loaded in the car besides ourselves and our precious little man. We woke him up, recorded him seeing his presents from Santa, and then opening gifts. Before long we were loaded and on our way east.

Upon arrival, they were just finishing setting up the grandkids (total of 3) gifts in the living room. So they gave the green light and the kids ran in to see their big items already put together. We ate brunch and then finished opening gifts. 

At straight up noon we headed north to my folks' house. Arrived, ate lunch, and then started playing some games with my little cousins while Munchkin napped. After my parents, aunt, uncle, and grandparents finished the game upstairs, they came down and joined in on some holiday games. 

We were just waiting on my brother, sister in law, and nephews when the hubbs yelled down stairs at me to check my phone. I came up to check and saw I had quite a few missed calls. He was talking to his parents and looked pretty concerned. After he got off the phone he told me what happened...

Right then it was about 4:30pm. My missed calls were from 2:30pm. Apparently someone tried to break into our house! We had just gotten an email from our neighborhood police officer and he said that some one the houses in our neighborhood had gotten broken into. And the vehicle they were looking for is an older maroon ford SUV. Well I wasn't really paying attention when we left this morning, but thankfully the hubbs was because he saw it and memorized their license plate. Anywho, the alarm company said that we needed to go home and make sure nothing was missing. Went home, nothing out of place. The alarm said the back door, motion sensor, and garage door went off. 

Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep last night. And we missed dinner at my parents so we ordered chinese.

Merry Christmas. Praise the Lord nothing happened! 

1 comment:

  1. We missed you but am glad nothing was missing or damaged. I was so angry that someone would do that on Christmas! Then I saw the news and saw a woman who lost her 3 kids and parents in a house fire. How blessed we are, even though we missed out on the evening fun, we can all be together soon. Love you all!!
