Nana came over yesterday (Wednesday) to spend the day with us. We had a great time, as usual. We spent the morning at the grocery store, organizing my closet, and of course playing! We also met the hubbs for lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings {yummmm}. In the afternoon I went shopping, and to get my ring fixed while Nana stayed at home during my Munchkin's nap.
While out shopping I got my little man a pair of Toms. I, personally, LOVE them. The hubbs is not quite sure yet. I am hopefully winning him over :-)
More sidewalk chalk art. I'm still pretty sure that I have more fun doing these than my little Munchkin...
He has always loved cars, trucks, tractors, boats, etc. And we have this book that has probably 50 different kinds of everything with an engine. Well he can name about 85% of them! We are really working on them, he LOVES this!!
My Munchkin really enjoys tub-time now. He goes back and forth with this. So I'm happy that it's "on" now. He loves to blow bubbles {with his mouth mostly, however he does know how to toot and make bubbles that way too}. Loves to also "drive" his cars in, on, and around the water. His favorite bath toys are: Tonka train, Lightening McQueen car, panda head squirter, Happy Birthday duck, and the sun squirter.
Lounging around this morning watching cartoons. These are my favorite mornings with my Munchkin :-)
My house smells like banana bread. Jealous? ;-)
TO DO LIST for my Thursday:
1. Play with Munchkin
2. Clean bathrooms
3. Pick up ring from jeweler
4. Exchange Mom's Toms wedges
5. Dinner with the in-laws
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