Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Weekend Write-up

Friday night we went to dinner to Texas Road House for my brother in law's 15th birthday. So when the server brought the saddle over, my Munchkin jumped on with him since he just turned two.  

When we got home from dinner it was raining and he went in the garage, got his green chair and decided to sit out in the rain. He was not particularly happy when we had to go inside to bathe him. 

Saturday we met the in-laws at the Kansas State Fair {brother in law's actual birthday}. It was a lot of fun!! The weather was close to perfect. 70s, slightly overcast {a few sprinkles}, the sun peaked out a little, and then it started getting warm just as we were heading home. On our way out we picked up a funnel cake, my weakness. I had been doing so well at working out and eating right. But of course when I get sick/allergies I feel like {for some reason} that I can eat whatever I want, whenever I want. Well when we got home the Munchkin went straight to bed, as did I. After being at the Fair, it really stirred up my allergies even worse. So I relaxed from when the little guy went down {at 1:30pm} till I had to wake him up a little after 5pm! That little snoozer, just wish he'd do it more often. 

Well after nap we headed over to the in-laws, had dinner and went out to yet another field so the boys could fly the plane {one of BIL's birthday gifts} where the hubs ended up crashing it. Before dinner we were playing outside and walking along the street I ran into some gnats, well I thought they were gnats. These were a ton smaller, and they bit! They were flesh colors, and I could hardly see them they were so small. The only reason I could see them was because I had a white shirt on. Well after kind of wiping my arms off we headed into the garage where the boys were still working on putting the plane together. That is where I actually noticed these bugs were still on me, ALL OVER my shirt actually. They looks like little itty bitty worms, with wings that wiggled all over and then bite. I probably had 100+ on my shirt, and my under shirt!!! Let's just say that I could NOT wait to get home and get in the shower. And Jack had them on him too. Gross. So now whenever I see a swarm of "gnats" or whatever else they could be, I run in the other direction! 

Sunday, my Munchkin woke up early. Like really early. So I figured I could go ahead and get going on this whole cleaning thing. Tomorrow I am hosting our Junior League committee meeting at our house so of course I'm wanting the house to look good. Whenever I get into my cleaning mode, there is no stopping me after I get started. Thank goodness I got it all finished. The only thing I have left to do is sweep again under our kitchen table, my Munchkin is a messy eater. 

Looking ahead this week. Little guy starts SCHOOL!! He starts Musikgarden and Kids Day Inn this week. I've thought about this a lot lately. And I have decided that I am excited for him to start KDI, it will be so good for both of us!! 

Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. Guard me Jesus through the night, and wake me with the morning light. Amen. {We say this prayer every night before bedtime with our little Munchkin, just as I did when I was younger. I'm a sucker for traditions. We also read Goodnight Moon every night.} :-)

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