Friday, September 16, 2011

Munchkin's First Day of School

First day of school jitters. My Munchkin didn't have them. I did. 

Woke up, breakfast eaten. Lunch packed. Backpack ready. Snack included for entire class. Drink, wait, where is the drink? Oh yeah, in the fridge, where else would it be?

I sit back and take a deep breath before picking up from breakfast, and then look at the clock. Shhhhooot. It is 10 minutes till drop off time and little man has still to get dressed and his hairs did. 

Want to know how bad of a mom I am... Well not bad mom, forgetful mom. We rush into the church, back to Munchkin's classroom. The kids are all playing together and us moms are chit-chatting. Before I know it, the class door is open and it's my boy's turn to enter the classroom. A second later he's running into the class to go wash his hands and the teacher is taking his backpack, lunch box, and bag with the snacks. I did not get a kiss goodbye, a hug, or hardly even a wave. Right as I passed the doorway the teacher steps in front of me and says, "No parents in the classroom". Which I totally understand! But it made me sad that there he was, my big 2 year old, running to go start his day with his new friends. However, I was so proud of him, I was a little sad and felt like old news.

No first day of school pictures. I feel awful about it. How could a mom forget something like that? I know I shouldn't beat myself up about it. 

Well I kept my phone on me all morning. Because if they have problems or he has separation anxiety, then they'll call me. No phone call after leaving the church. No phone call after getting home. No phone call after ironing. No call after errands. No phone call heading to lunch. Then my phone rings, at lunch, downtown. Of course they have to call when I'm the furthest away. It took us 20 {of the longest} minutes to get to him. And when I walk into the office to pick him up, he's happy and playing. Sigh of relief. They said he did amazing this morning, he would just sometimes look around for me and cry a little, but then move onto another activity with the class and be fine. 

Game plan for next time: Bring his bunny {that he sleeps with during nap and every night}, pack some of favorite toys, and pick up an hour early since that is his nap time. 

So happy to hear he did so well. I think with this new Game Plan he'll do so well and he {and Mom-mom} are excited for next week.

All in all, PROUD MOM!! :-)

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