Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Random Wednesday Update

My Munchkin has really been blowing my mind lately. He LOVES Cars {the movie} and Tinkerbell. Those are probably his favorites at the moment. But just today he was obsessed with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. He usually doesn't interact with the cartoons {most he watches are educational and ask counting, colors, and shape questions}, well today he was answering the questions and was right most of the time!! Today was colors and counting. He got all of the colors and some of the numbers. So proud of my growing boy!

Last night was our first General Meeting for my first active year in the Junior League of Wichita. We talked about the progress over the summer and how far we have come since last year. We, as a league, are now issued based and our focus is on Child Abuse. I am more than thrilled to be on a committee to help battle this ever saddening issue in our community. Did you know that in just 1 year, in Wichita, there were 2,500 Child Abuse cases? Well that's a fact. And 30% of sexual abuse cases are happening to children under the age of 12. Breaks my heart! I am so proud to be apart of this league and trying my hardest in helping with this issue.

We also talked about Holiday Galleria. Please come and do some shopping and help us raise money to support our mission in building a better community and battling the issue of Child Abuse.

Holiday Galleria:

General Admission - $8
   Friday, September 30, 10am - 4:30pm
   Saturday, October 1, 9am - 5pm
   Sunday, October 2, 11am - 4pm
Premier Party - $50
   Thursday, September 29, 7pm - 10pm
Girls Night Out - $12 in advance or $15 at the door
   Friday, September 30, 5pm - 9pm
Brunch & Fashion Show - $40
   Saturday, October 1, 11am

Lately my dear sweet Munchkin has been wanting me to paint his toes, because he always sees me doing mine. Well instead of painting his, I let him pick out my color. This week, green.

For the past year or so I have been coloring my hair myself at home to help save money, or more so that I can spend that money in other areas. Well this week I chose a different brand, Fat Foam. It is probably my favorite so far!! It was so much easier than I had thought. The only thing I did not like, well I do not mind it, but the color I bought was not the color my hair turned. I usually get the dark blonde or very light brown. My hair now you ask? DARK BROWN! Not my natural color, but I do love it nonetheless. I was thinking it was time for change, so maybe this is what I was looking for.

Munchkin's 2nd Birthday was last week and it turned out better than I could have hoped for. Sure, some of the invitations never made it to the people they were intended for, but we still had a good attendance rate. My little man got lots of goodies and everyone left with the miniature red tool boxes I made, a tonka train, and lots and lots of candy.

Cannot believe how big my baby boy is getting!! Almost 3 feet tall and 33.2 pounds.

Everyone please say a prayer for my nephew that was undergoing an endless amount of tests today in Kansas City.

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