Tuesday, June 14, 2011


This morning as I was getting my little Munchkin ready while he was playing with his favorite little trucks, I realized we have not gotten out to explore in quite some time. Obviously due to his right leg being in a cast for the past five weeks... So I figured we could go to Exploration Place this morning before lunch. On the way out the door I glance at my "Weekly To Do List" and realize that I have been meaning to get to Babies R Us for the past two weeks. Noticing that Babies R Us is some what close to Exploration Place, I figure we can swing by there first and then head to E.P.

I should have known better. Every single time I "swing" by Babies R Us, I always spend way too much money. In my defense, who can resist under armer for little ones?! When pulling out the plastic, I notice I still have my Sephora gift card... And then remember the new Sephora just opened up in Towne West mall {located in JCPenny}. 

Okay, so my Munchkin and I walked around and played with some toys at Babies R Us so we would have only had about an hour at Exploration Place, this is the only reason we went to the mall instead. Plus is was basically in the same parking lot. 

While at the mall I also remembered about a JL party tonight and that I do not have a thing to wear... Under armer, diapers, desitin, dress for party, and some new makeup later we had {materialistically} burned through the entire morning without making it to Exploration Place.

I really need to work on not letting my To Do Lists get the majority of my Munchkin and I's quality time together. 

Do you believe in Karma? Because I do. And I feel like Karma broke my foot. As I was getting the stroller out of the back of my SUV at the mall, I realized a little too late that I had not properly "locked" the base together after our last stroll. So as soon as I pulled the base out, it fell open right on the top of my foot {dressed with flip flops}. I now have a circular bruise on the top of my right foot that still hurst so bad four hours later... 

Darn you Karma? No, darn me for not taking my baby to Exploration Place :-(

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