{My Grandpa with Jack, when he was around 3 months old}
Over this last weekend, my Munchkin and I took a trip to Lincoln, NE. The reason for this trip was to see my Grandpa and stand by and support him {and my Grandma} during his heart surgery.
While we were there, I read this book {Heaven is for Real}. It is an amazing book, and a true story. It is about this young boy, only 3 years old, that gets very sick. And while in emergency surgery, says that he went to heaven and met Jesus. The story is told from his father's point of view, who is a pastor at their small town church. It expresses the power of prayer, and has direct quotes from the bible proving Colton's, the young boy, stories to be true.
Before my Grandpa's surgery, I met him in the lobby of our hotel, with my Dad, Aunts and Grandma to say goodbye and good luck. That morning I remember my Gpa looking kind of down and grey in color. His surgery was set to happen around 8am. After getting to the hospital around 9:30am with my Munchkin in tow, I found out he still had not been taken back for surgery. Come to find out his blood was too thin and they were waiting for his medicine to kick in to thicken his blood. While in surgery the doctor said that he was already starting to bleed internally, and if they would have not done the surgery he would have died within weeks! Praise the Lord that his stress test allowed him to go through with this surgery {His heart was working at 40%, which is the borderline of allowing him to have this surgery done}. After surgery, my Grandpa was on a breathing machine due to troubles breathing on his own. But came through like the fighter he is and was doing so much better withing 24 hours.
The nurses were amazing at the Heart Hospital in Lincoln, Nebraska. They gave my Grandpa so much support and put up with his onry ass. {His surgery was Friday morning} Sunday morning before we left for home, we went to spend some time with my Grandpa, who was finally allowed a shower since he was starting to walk again. While in the shower he sprayed one nurse right in the face with water and laughed his butt off. The other nurse made it out of there with only drenched pants. He was still laughing about it when we were walking out the door after our "Good byes", "I love yous", and "See you soons".
Since my Grandpa had been doing so well {eating, walking, and being so dang onry} the doctors decided he was going to be able to go home sometime today. But this morning I got a phone call from my Aunt that Grandpa had a really rough night, he was throwing up and having a hard time breathing. He was on a breathing maching, receiving breathing treatments, now has a feeding tube in, and the doctors believe he is coming down with pneumonia. With all of that, they said he will be lucky to go home on Friday.
Please send prayers for my Grandpa, I will keep everyone posted on how he is doing as soon as I find out myself. Thank you so much for everyone's love and support. It truly means the world to me that I have such great family and friends!!
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