Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Munchkin Madness

My little Munchkin found a new love this week. He absolutely adores going over dips, bumps, jumps, hills, and everything in between in Daddy's truck. No matter how my day is going, I just have to listen to that little man laugh and it instantly turns my frown upside down.

As you can see, he still has his cast, but it now has a new addition... A green foot. When we went last to the doctor to make sure everything was heeling good, they found a hole in the heel of his cast, so they had to add a couple extra layers. He had also "filed" down the inside of his foot (on the cast) from crawling every where. But the doctor said "it is going to be a shame to have to cover up all of those signatures"... So wouldn't you assume that they would cover the entire blue cast? With her saying that, we decided to go with a different color. Nope, just the ankle. If we would have known that, we would have definitely gone with the same blue. But we are excited for our little Munchkin to get this long whole leg cast off on MONDAY and then he'll get a short cast on (as long as the X-Rays all look good) and he will then have that on for 2 weeks. So excited! 

This little guy woke up so happy the other day from his nap and just wanted to read in his bed, for close to 45 minutes actually!! I love it when he wakes up so happy :-)

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