Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I never realized how hard it is to get 7 women together at the same time in the same place, and to stay on topic. One hour turns into two, then turning into three and before you know it a couple bottles of wine are empty and hardly anything has gotten accomplished.

Requirements for meetings? Wine, snacks, and toys to entertain the 5 toddlers that ran wild. Don't judge.

After meeting only three times, and about 2,000 emails later a script was formed. Not a month before, or even a week before, the NIGHT BEFORE we were to perform in front of hundreds of accomplished women from our community.

Meeting for margarita's before the pre-meeting, wine at pre-meeting, wine at meeting, skit goes better than ever hoped, wine after meeting.

Mission Skit-Skat, not impossible.


  1. YEAH! Love your blog and your post!! We did it and we ROCKED it!! Great job pulling it all together!

  2. I've always thought that things done at the last minute and with wine are the best. You can't over think it that way!

    Love the blog.

