Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Marvelous Munchkin



Meet my cool Munchkin. He loves Mommy's sunglasses, soda, snack time at Song and Story time, mowing like Daddy, wearing Mommy's shoes, and just playing outside in general. 

Since the blue cast came into our lives 8 days ago, we have not had too much trouble filling our time with activities. But I do admit it is difficult to have to carry him everywhere just when I was getting used to having him walk everywhere with me. At least he is crawling, but I am afraid he'll be getting some rug-burn on those sweet toes. 

4 weeks and 5 days to go. Let the count down begin.

Doctor yesterday said my precious Munchkin might have to do a little physical therapy after the cast comes off, as some young children have trouble walking right afterwards. I'm hoping we will not need to, but keeping my mind open to anything and everything I need to do for my darling son. Cannot wait for him to get his short cast on in 2 weeks and 5 days... Full of countdowns in our house!

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