Monday, May 23, 2011

Sunday Funday

I did get the sidewalk chalk for my little Munchkin, but I believe the Hubbs and I had more fun with it on this toasty Sunday Funday. 

A bird, turtle, chimp, horse, and a mouse. We were seeing who had more artistic abilities... turns out MY bird and mouse were not that great, but I am pretty proud of the chimpanzee.

The Hubbs' turtle is great, but the horse's "rider" looks like she got hit by a car. 

Who won? I call it a tie. As we both had one acceptable animal. 

The only excuse I can come up with as to why my bird and mouse are so atrocious looking, is that they were about four feet tall. The Horse was probably 6 feet tall!! 

Now the rain today will wash it all away, and give us a fresh slate to do it all over again tomorrow.

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