My poor little Munchkin has a full leg cast on his right leg :-( Just breaks my heart seeing him so immobile. At least he has started "crawling" with it. But he cannot, I repeat, cannot walk on it yet. At least for 4 weeks! After 4 weeks, he gets a short cast and we'll see how his fracture is heeling in order to know if he can walk on it or not for 2 more weeks (6 weeks total in a cast).
Yesterday he started trying to stand up and I think I scared him when I ran over to him saying "NO NO NO NO WALKING" and he started crying. Of course that was not my intentions, but at least I got the point across.
Also a new happening in the household, Munchkin has been peeing on the big boy potty!! In the past week, probably 5 times. So of course that is my luck that he wants to start potty training when he cannot walk... Guess we'll take our time with this one.
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