In no specific order of course
*Warm, clean laundry *My husband's smile *Huge green fields, freshly mowed *A clean house *When my baby happily calls out "Mama" *Shopping sprees *Yoga *Peek-a-boo *Nap time *Laundry *My munchkin's laugh *Real World *White tank tops *Toms *Wakeboarding *Wake surfing *Puppies *Huge trees *Beach resorts *Salon hair *Green eyes *Bright flowers *Cotton dresses *Flip flops *Kick boxing *Tennis *Sleeping *Movies *Mexican food *Laying out by the pool *Group dinners *Sushi *Entertaining *Curly hair *Wedges *Apples *Post-its *Organization *Green tea *Texting *Sex and the City *Camomile *Buying clothes for my Munchkin *Rainy days *Walks *Gossip magazines *Reading *Play groups *All kinds of Music *Working out *Ice cream *Spa days *Weekend get-a-ways *Hats
A few dislikes, again, no specific order {more like pet-peeves}
*Dusting *Bad manors *Bugs *Parents that do NOT descipline their children *Cleaning