Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Live, Laugh, and my *Loves*

In no specific order of course

*Warm, clean laundry *My husband's smile *Huge green fields, freshly mowed *A clean house *When my baby happily calls out "Mama" *Shopping sprees *Yoga *Peek-a-boo *Nap time *Laundry *My munchkin's laugh *Real World *White tank tops *Toms *Wakeboarding *Wake surfing *Puppies *Huge trees *Beach resorts *Salon hair *Green eyes *Bright flowers *Cotton dresses *Flip flops *Kick boxing *Tennis *Sleeping *Movies *Mexican food *Laying out by the pool *Group dinners *Sushi *Entertaining *Curly hair *Wedges *Apples *Post-its *Organization *Green tea *Texting *Sex and the City *Camomile *Buying clothes for my Munchkin *Rainy days *Walks *Gossip magazines *Reading *Play groups *All kinds of Music *Working out *Ice cream *Spa days *Weekend get-a-ways *Hats

A few dislikes, again, no specific order {more like pet-peeves}

*Dusting *Bad manors *Bugs *Parents that do NOT descipline their children *Cleaning

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sunday Funday

I did get the sidewalk chalk for my little Munchkin, but I believe the Hubbs and I had more fun with it on this toasty Sunday Funday. 

A bird, turtle, chimp, horse, and a mouse. We were seeing who had more artistic abilities... turns out MY bird and mouse were not that great, but I am pretty proud of the chimpanzee.

The Hubbs' turtle is great, but the horse's "rider" looks like she got hit by a car. 

Who won? I call it a tie. As we both had one acceptable animal. 

The only excuse I can come up with as to why my bird and mouse are so atrocious looking, is that they were about four feet tall. The Horse was probably 6 feet tall!! 

Now the rain today will wash it all away, and give us a fresh slate to do it all over again tomorrow.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

I Heart {online} Shopping

First of all, I love shopping. It is definitely a guilty pleasure of mine, as I'm sure it is for most ladies. Last week for our anniversary, my Hubby recognized that I had not gone shopping for a while (when doing our budget) and decided to give me some money to go spend. So as soon as I got the opportunity, I did a little online shopping...... 

LOVE these shoes!!

Could really go for this fab watch.

Sold on a gorgeous necklace.

Every girl needs some good yoga pants, and comfortable shorts. But I'm pretty sure I can buy anything and everything VS PINK!!

If you don't have any TOMS, you should go out and get some ASAP!!

I've really been into clogs and flats lately.

Gorgeous dress.

Nice and casual dress

Over my {entire} budget, but this ring is totally worth it.

Wish I had some fancy event to wear this fancy dress to!

Well now that I've clearly gone way over budget... I think I'll stop, for today. 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Caribbean Love

What girl doesn't love Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom dressed up as pirates with makeup on? However, finding out that O. B. was going to be absent from this new Pirates of the Caribbean flick coming out tomorrow, was like a slight stab to the heart. But as I am going with my honey, made me cheer right up. I am also to some degree excited to see how Penelope Cruz does in this kind of a film.

Whenever I see one of these movies, it makes me desperately want to take a quick hop and jump to the Bahamas. Which is perhaps why I've been craving a beach vacay... Thankfully two of my besties live on the beach, now to pick whether I want to go to Florida or California...?

In conclusion, I'm super excited to have a date night to see Pirates of the Caribbean 4 On Stranger Tides in the IMAX, even if the tickets were $30.00.

Did I mention it is in 3D?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Walking Shoes

Yesterday as my Munchkin and I were playing outside, he said he wanted to go for a walk so we loaded up the stroller before even thinking about my attire, and started down the street.

Jean shorts, t-shirt, flip flops.

How many times do you see walkers/runners on the street, or even in the gym, working out in jean shorts and flip flops? My guess is close to never.

I seriously did not even think about this till we were about a mile away from the house, with only a sippy cup for the little one 1/2 full of luke warm water. I contemplated stopping the many golfers we past to ask for a drink. But we kept on going till we reached the office (2-1/2 miles from home). Got there just as the guys were all packing up for the day. Just in time for me to fill my Munchkin's cup with COLD water and a sip for myself. Then the hubs loaded the stroller in the back of his white truck and we headed home, in the comforts of air conditioning.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Marvelous Munchkin



Meet my cool Munchkin. He loves Mommy's sunglasses, soda, snack time at Song and Story time, mowing like Daddy, wearing Mommy's shoes, and just playing outside in general. 

Since the blue cast came into our lives 8 days ago, we have not had too much trouble filling our time with activities. But I do admit it is difficult to have to carry him everywhere just when I was getting used to having him walk everywhere with me. At least he is crawling, but I am afraid he'll be getting some rug-burn on those sweet toes. 

4 weeks and 5 days to go. Let the count down begin.

Doctor yesterday said my precious Munchkin might have to do a little physical therapy after the cast comes off, as some young children have trouble walking right afterwards. I'm hoping we will not need to, but keeping my mind open to anything and everything I need to do for my darling son. Cannot wait for him to get his short cast on in 2 weeks and 5 days... Full of countdowns in our house!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mommy Morning Bliss

After spending 98% of mornings with my Munchkin by my side since the moment he was born, what do I do when I have a morning to myself? However, I stayed home due to some "puzzles"... Nevertheless...

All that I can think about doing is cleaning, laundry, pulling weeds, working out, cleaning out my closet, making our weekly meal schedule, grocery shopping, work, etc... But I do not think it would be wise to start these projects with the possibility of not finishing them. 

So I am going to sit here on my chase, with movie on television, and my book in hand. And I will escape into Emily Giffin's world of fiction.

I almost forgot what it was like to actually be able to relax. Thank you Hubby!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Blue Castaway

My poor little Munchkin has a full leg cast on his right leg :-( Just breaks my heart seeing him so immobile. At least he has started "crawling" with it. But he cannot, I repeat, cannot walk on it yet. At least for 4 weeks! After 4 weeks, he gets a short cast and we'll see how his fracture is heeling in order to know if he can walk on it or not for 2 more weeks (6 weeks total in a cast).

Yesterday he started trying to stand up and I think I scared him when I ran over to him saying "NO NO NO NO WALKING" and he started crying. Of course that was not my intentions, but at least I got the point across.

Also a new happening in the household, Munchkin has been peeing on the big boy potty!! In the past week, probably 5 times. So of course that is my luck that he wants to start potty training when he cannot walk... Guess we'll take our time with this one.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Sticks and Stones

Mother's Day 2011 will forever be engraved in my mind. Let me start at the beginning...

Yesterday morning we all woke up and had breakfast. My little munchkin loves, I mean LOVES to play outside. It was already warm at 8am so we figured we would go outside and he could play while I watered our pots and other flower. Munchkin man was still in his footed jammies with dinosaurs all over them and was splashing around in the water as it flowed down the drive. All done and ready to go inside, I was winding up the hose and Munchkin's jammies came off as he was soaked. He wanted one more taste of a puddle by the front door and before we could grab him, his feet came out from under him and he landed on his LEFT side. After he had not stopped crying for thirty straight minutes, I called his doctor on the exchange and they said to take him to the Emergency Room right away. We went, they X-rayed, we left. Doctor there said he did not see anything on his X-rays but the radiologist would double check in a couple hours and call us back if they found anything. So by the end of this day, with not receiving a phone call from the radiologist, we figured it was just a twisted ankle.

But here is the thing, he would not put pressure on his RIGHT ankle.

Called his doctor this morning, as yesterday we just got the on-call doctor. She wanted to see him as soon as possible. Just as we were about to walk out the door, the radiologist called. Shoot. Turns out the radiologist was a little further behind than they had thought.

More X-rays this morning and they found an oblique fracture in Munchkin's right tibia. So not his ankle thankfully, but his lower leg. My poor baby just cannot catch a break.

Going to a specialist this afternoon to see if we get a cast or just some kind of splint. Please pray for no surgery and a quick and painless recovery for my precious Munchkin!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

It's a Mom thing

When I was younger, I swore I would never do some things when I became a mom.

First, and foremost, breastfeeding in public. The first time I broke this "rule" was when Baby Bear was maybe two months old. And it only took this long because I didn't leave the house for a couple weeks, due to having a c-section.

Second, changing a diaper in public. Not talking about a public restroom, but like out in a room with people around. This one was broken around 3 weeks. "Stuff" happens, period.

Third, and final, wiping the wee one's nose with my hand, not a kleenex. I'm afraid this happens on a daily basis.

Those were my Top 3 Rules for myself, and as you can see, they did not last long.

Becoming a Mom, is the most rewarding experience of my life. After having my son, I feel like I have  this special bond with every other mom, without even knowing them. I feel so truly blessed to have been able to have my son, and I am so thankful every day.

It's totally a mom thing!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Pure Exhaustion

As the exhaustion is setting in, I'm wondering:

a. How long will these "early alarms" keep happening. And how much caffeine can I really have each day without it being unhealthy? Ha ha.

b. Will I really want to wake up early the first morning that my "early alarm" decides to sleep in himself so that I can jump back on the work-out band wagon.

c. Should I skip my work today so I can take a nap?

Decisions decisions...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I never realized how hard it is to get 7 women together at the same time in the same place, and to stay on topic. One hour turns into two, then turning into three and before you know it a couple bottles of wine are empty and hardly anything has gotten accomplished.

Requirements for meetings? Wine, snacks, and toys to entertain the 5 toddlers that ran wild. Don't judge.

After meeting only three times, and about 2,000 emails later a script was formed. Not a month before, or even a week before, the NIGHT BEFORE we were to perform in front of hundreds of accomplished women from our community.

Meeting for margarita's before the pre-meeting, wine at pre-meeting, wine at meeting, skit goes better than ever hoped, wine after meeting.

Mission Skit-Skat, not impossible.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It's a Caffeine kind of Day

My husband and I have a bet going to see how long we can go without eating out. With every day that passes, it gets harder and harder.

This morning as my little super star and I leave Itsy Bitsy Tots Yoga, I swing by to get him breakfast and totally forget and order myself a little something too. After we finish our mini meal, Daddy walks in. As soon as I see him the memory of our bet blows back through my mind. Shoot.

Looks like Daddy wins the bet. What is his reward? A 15 minute back rub every night for a week.