Thursday, September 13, 2012

Pregnancy Update

I am currently 33 weeks along in my pregnancy.

Yesterday we had a little scare. 

Late Tuesday night I woke up and could not sleep because I started having mild contractions and was feeling very ill. I was up about every 10 minutes with contractions getting stronger and closer together. After not getting more than 2 hours of sleep, I called my OB in the morning and they instructed me to head to Labor and Delivery at our hospital to get checked in and see what was going on. 

Checked into Labor and Delivery at 12:30pm.

While at the hospital my contractions were 2-4 minutes apart and getting increasingly more intense by the hour. I was given two bags of fluid since I was dehydrated and given some medicine to help stop my contractions. They ran some tests and they found out that I was not in preterm labor so they gave me some medicine to help calm the contractions. Then they gave me some more medicine and sent me home with some pain meds and sleeping pills. 

Checked out at 7:30pm.

Heading home we picked up dinner and my prescriptions and then went to bed around 8:30pm still with very slight contractions about 10-15 minutes apart. 

After waking this morning, I am happy to announce that I have not had any contractions!! 

Had a doctor's appointment this morning with my OB and she thinks it was a combination of possible food poisoning and dehydration. 

So thankful for my family and friends who helped out with Jack during my 7 hour stay in the hospital, and also for the love and prayers. It truly meant so much to us. 

Now if this little lady will just stay put for AT LEAST 3 more weeks!! 

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