36 weeks
37 weeks
I have been having a ton of contractions and Braxton Hicks lately. Ever since I got sick at 33 weeks and spent the entire day in the hospital, they have been coming every single day (and night). I think I have had maybe 3 nights of good rest since then. To be honest though, I have not been too tired during the day. I guess it is just nature's way of getting Mommy prepared to be sleep deprived after baby.
15 days till our little baby girl will be in our arms! I have been having mixed feelings lately about her arrival. Of course I am so excited. But I am nervous about how Munchkin will react to her, and him not being the center of attention anymore. He will obviously still be the center of our universe, but he will just have to share the spot light.
Weekly doctor appointments now. Last week doctor said she wouldn't be surprised if she comes before her scheduled arrival date. That is exciting but I am not getting my hopes up. Especially since I'm up about every night with contractions just far enough apart to not head to the hospital or close together but not strong enough just yet.
Let the waiting game begin, or actually continue...
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