Thursday, September 6, 2012


Little Munchkin had a great 3rd Birthday!! Started the day off with breakfast at Panera (his pick) with both Mommy and Daddy! Then we were off to "Meet Your Teacher" for Preschool. Loved his teachers!! And meeting them made me even more excited because they are amazing! Then we wanted to go to Marine World to see the boats, buggies, and jet skies before lunch. 

Party went smooth. I made chocolate and funfetti cupcakes and we had Chick-Fil-A cater, Munchkin's pick again. Kids had a ton of fun, and little man got some really great stuff.

After clean up and bath, he wanted to take the semi with monster trucks to bed with him... 


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First day of Preschool for this amazing little boy! He did AMAZING! Was so excited the entire way to school, and walking in. He put his backpack on his hook in the hallway and walked to his teacher with a huge smile on his face. Teacher mentioned he needed his name tag by his backpack and that is when he got a little teary eyed and asked me to stay... I about lost it! But I kept it together and told him how much fun he was going to have and that when I pick him up, we'll get to go out to lunch where ever he wanted to go (that made him happy!). Teacher said he cried for about 30 seconds after I left and then had a ball and was such a joy to have in class. Said how polite and well behaved he is. 

Proud Mommy right here!!

Second day of school went smooth as well. Cried for a bit at home, but was such a big boy walking into school and gong into his class.

I just love him to pieces!! 

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