Saturday, January 7, 2012

Being Productive

I feel like I could take on anything today.

Let me start off with this, I am always making lists. For everything. Ask my husband, there are lists all over the house. Usually I make a "Weekly To Do List" for myself at the beginning of the week and try to knock it all out by the end of Tuesday (that's when my Munchkin is at Nana's).

Well, this morning I only had ONE thing on my daunting "To Do List" and it was a meeting at 9am to confirm our countertop for our master bathroom.

Here is how my day has gone so far...

1. Wake up at 6:30am with little man and play,
2. Make breakfast,
3. Meeting at 9am,
4. Clean out car,
5. Take down Christmas lights on tree out front, along with miniature Christmas trees with lights in pots on the porch,
6. Pick up and clean basement,
7. Laundry,
8. Change sheets on beds,
9. Unload and reload dishwasher,
10. Make lunch AND dinner

All before Munchkin went down for a nap.

Now don't go thinking I neglected my little man. Because he loves to "help" me with chores around the house, and I always stop and play with him if he doesn't feel like helping.

Next on my list, relax for the rest of the weekend.

Oh, and the WINGS GAME tonight :-)

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