So I've been on the hubbs lately about fixing the flat tire on my stroller. Especially since we had a road trip planned for last weekend. Well Friday I picked Munchkin up from "school" and put him down for his nap while I finished the laundry and packed. Hubbs came home with Fix-a-Flat for the stroller tire, I was so excited that we'd actually be able to use the stroller for the first time in about 6 months. Ha ha.
Laundry folded and put away.
Bag packed and loaded in the car.
Munchkin up and heading to Kansas City.
A little before Ottawa there was a VERY loud pop that came from the back and an awful smell... Apparently the tire that was just filled with Fix-a-Flat exploded in the back of my new car. The smell was so bad that I was getting light headed and nauseous from just a couple minutes. It went all over Munchkin's personalized suitcase, and soaked through and got to all his diapers, clothes, blankets, and shoes! Needless to say, we had to stop in Ottawa while Munchkin and I hopped out and took our time eating dinner while the Hubbs took the car to Walmart and got cleaning supplies. It was FREEZING that evening and bless his heart, he stood out in the freezing cold and cleaned the back end of my car.
Today; 4 days after, 2 details, 3 cleanings a day, and 10 dryer sheets later, it is starting to smell better.
Now we have to order a new suitcase and an entirely new tire for the stroller... At least the tire will finally get fixed. Ha ha. (Don't tell the Hubbs I said that...)
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