Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Melissa and Doug

My little Munchkin got a Melissa and Doug wooden train set for Christmas. It came with so many parts I didn't know what I'd do with all of them. After coming home (early) on Christmas, we pulled it out of the box and started putting the tracks together. We made a track around the dining room table and Munchkin went to town with his magnetic Thomas trains. 

After looking through the bigger pieces the next day, we noticed 2 of the 3 main pieces didn't work properly/fit together. And of course it was after we already threw the box away. So we went back to the Hobby store we got it from and they didn't have anymore of the sets and they advised us to contact the maker of the set, Melissa and Doug. This was last night.

This afternoon, actually an hour ago, I emailed Melissa and Doug and explained the situation and even sent them pictures of the pieces. I'm not kidding, 10 minutes later I got a response. And it wasn't an automated response, it was a person!! And they said to call, so I did. 

All in all, 30 minutes after I emailed Melissa and Doug, we have a solution. They got my information and are sending me the parts that didn't work properly/fit together. AT NO CHARGE!! And I don't have to send them the pieces back either. I'd like to say how amazing this problem ended. Because of this experience, I will be purchasing more Melissa and Doug wooden toys in the future.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Day Surprise


My 6am wake-up call came a little early this morning. I wanted to be all showered and ready for the day with so much going on. Our agenda went like this:

9:30am- Breakfast and presents at the hubb's parent's house.

12:30pm to 7:30pm- Lunch, white elephant, games, and dinner at my parent's house.

I only woke up so early so I could be ready, and have everything prepared for Munchkin to get up and open presents, then hurry off to the in-laws to share in the Holiday. He usually is up like clock work around 7:30am. So by 8am I was a little shocked that he was still snoozing away. So after we had everything loaded in the car besides ourselves and our precious little man. We woke him up, recorded him seeing his presents from Santa, and then opening gifts. Before long we were loaded and on our way east.

Upon arrival, they were just finishing setting up the grandkids (total of 3) gifts in the living room. So they gave the green light and the kids ran in to see their big items already put together. We ate brunch and then finished opening gifts. 

At straight up noon we headed north to my folks' house. Arrived, ate lunch, and then started playing some games with my little cousins while Munchkin napped. After my parents, aunt, uncle, and grandparents finished the game upstairs, they came down and joined in on some holiday games. 

We were just waiting on my brother, sister in law, and nephews when the hubbs yelled down stairs at me to check my phone. I came up to check and saw I had quite a few missed calls. He was talking to his parents and looked pretty concerned. After he got off the phone he told me what happened...

Right then it was about 4:30pm. My missed calls were from 2:30pm. Apparently someone tried to break into our house! We had just gotten an email from our neighborhood police officer and he said that some one the houses in our neighborhood had gotten broken into. And the vehicle they were looking for is an older maroon ford SUV. Well I wasn't really paying attention when we left this morning, but thankfully the hubbs was because he saw it and memorized their license plate. Anywho, the alarm company said that we needed to go home and make sure nothing was missing. Went home, nothing out of place. The alarm said the back door, motion sensor, and garage door went off. 

Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep last night. And we missed dinner at my parents so we ordered chinese.

Merry Christmas. Praise the Lord nothing happened! 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Fred's Been Busy

Still waiting for the good news we found out? Well you're going to have to hold on a bit longer to find out, so stay tuned. 

Last week was one of my bestie's birthdays. She lives in San Diego and I was so close to hoping on a plane and heading to the west coast. So sad I couldn't make it, but glad to hear she had a fabulous weekend. Saturday was one of my nephew's birthdays also, Sunday was his party and it was such a great time. A ton of kids, good food, and great company. Had a blast. 

We can hardly believe that Christmas is just around the corner. Is everyone ready? Here is a look at what Fred has been up to lately...

Munchkin woke up to Fred eating in his high chair. Even though he hardly ever sits in his high chair, he got a little mad that Fred was in it....

... Therefore I had to move Fred from the high chair to another "chair".

Fred was really roughing it when he set up camp on the coffee table while watching some cartoons.

Now those are two cuties! Fred and Mr. Potato Head are now best friends.

Fred is a big fan of Munchkin's new shoes.

Munchkin loves it when Fred is "eating". So of course Fred heard and decided to hang out with some grapefruit.

Fred likes to climb up the Christmas tree.

Nice and cozy if Fred in Munchkin's stalking hanging over the fireplace. 

Happy Munchkin :-) 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Elf on the Shelf update

Fred, our Elf on the Shelf, seems to be having some fun lately...

Fred was having a food fight today with Pup in the kitchen.

This last weekend our little Munchkin stayed at Nana and Papa's house. So Sunday Fred got caught trying to sneak some candy.

Saturday afternoon, Fred was just taking everything in, in the fireplace at Nana and Papa's house. 

Saturday morning Fred was just hanging around over the kitchen table.

Friday Fred was catching up on his reading.

This last weekend the Hubbs and I ventured down to Oklahoma City to just get away for the weekend. It was nice and relaxing, and we even got a little shopping in. By little, I mean a lot. It was great to get away just us two but we were ready to see our little man when we got back. 

Oh, and we got some good news today... More to follow...  

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Elf on the Shelf

Have you heard of Elf on the Shelf? Well it's been all over Pinterest lately, so I got curious as to what this little mischievous elf was all about. 

Venture out to your local book store to see if they have this elf to share with your family. It comes with a book, and of course the elf. It tells of this magical little elf that was sent from the North Pole from Santa to keep tabs on your little ones. You know, making sure they are going to be on the nice list this year. And every night the magical little elf reports back to Santa in the North Pole. Each morning when your little ones wake, he'll be in a different place. Either making fun trouble, or simply in a new location keeping the kiddo's on their toes. 

Here is our elf's first spot in the Pringle household. Who knows what our magical little elf's name will be, but I'm sure he'll be bringing tons of Christmas spirit into our home. 

Keep watching for updates on where and what he'll be doing till Christmas.