Thursday, September 13, 2012

Pregnancy Update

I am currently 33 weeks along in my pregnancy.

Yesterday we had a little scare. 

Late Tuesday night I woke up and could not sleep because I started having mild contractions and was feeling very ill. I was up about every 10 minutes with contractions getting stronger and closer together. After not getting more than 2 hours of sleep, I called my OB in the morning and they instructed me to head to Labor and Delivery at our hospital to get checked in and see what was going on. 

Checked into Labor and Delivery at 12:30pm.

While at the hospital my contractions were 2-4 minutes apart and getting increasingly more intense by the hour. I was given two bags of fluid since I was dehydrated and given some medicine to help stop my contractions. They ran some tests and they found out that I was not in preterm labor so they gave me some medicine to help calm the contractions. Then they gave me some more medicine and sent me home with some pain meds and sleeping pills. 

Checked out at 7:30pm.

Heading home we picked up dinner and my prescriptions and then went to bed around 8:30pm still with very slight contractions about 10-15 minutes apart. 

After waking this morning, I am happy to announce that I have not had any contractions!! 

Had a doctor's appointment this morning with my OB and she thinks it was a combination of possible food poisoning and dehydration. 

So thankful for my family and friends who helped out with Jack during my 7 hour stay in the hospital, and also for the love and prayers. It truly meant so much to us. 

Now if this little lady will just stay put for AT LEAST 3 more weeks!! 

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Little Munchkin had a great 3rd Birthday!! Started the day off with breakfast at Panera (his pick) with both Mommy and Daddy! Then we were off to "Meet Your Teacher" for Preschool. Loved his teachers!! And meeting them made me even more excited because they are amazing! Then we wanted to go to Marine World to see the boats, buggies, and jet skies before lunch. 

Party went smooth. I made chocolate and funfetti cupcakes and we had Chick-Fil-A cater, Munchkin's pick again. Kids had a ton of fun, and little man got some really great stuff.

After clean up and bath, he wanted to take the semi with monster trucks to bed with him... 


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First day of Preschool for this amazing little boy! He did AMAZING! Was so excited the entire way to school, and walking in. He put his backpack on his hook in the hallway and walked to his teacher with a huge smile on his face. Teacher mentioned he needed his name tag by his backpack and that is when he got a little teary eyed and asked me to stay... I about lost it! But I kept it together and told him how much fun he was going to have and that when I pick him up, we'll get to go out to lunch where ever he wanted to go (that made him happy!). Teacher said he cried for about 30 seconds after I left and then had a ball and was such a joy to have in class. Said how polite and well behaved he is. 

Proud Mommy right here!!

Second day of school went smooth as well. Cried for a bit at home, but was such a big boy walking into school and gong into his class.

I just love him to pieces!! 

Pregnancy Update

26 weeks

27 weeks

28 weeks

29 weeks

30 weeks

31 weeks

32 weeks


I've really been feeling pretty good for the most part. The Braxton Hicks are starting to get a lot stronger and the weeks are just now starting to slow down. Perfect timing though as Munchkin just started Preschool this week and the past couple of days have just flown by! 

The nights are long though. I cannot seem to get comfortable until I'm just so exhausted I fall asleep in whatever position I am in. 

A couple nights ago I was having some pretty intense Braxton Hicks and honestly thought we'd be going to the hospital because walking around wasn't making them stop. About 45 minutes later, they slowed down and eventually stopped. Ever since then I have been having more back pain and shooting pains in my legs, doc said it is all normal... Yay... 

A little over 6 weeks to go!! Let the count down begin...