Thursday, July 19, 2012

Pregnancy Update

12 weeks

16 weeks

18 weeks

19 weeks

20 weeks

22 weeks

23 weeks

24 weeks 

25 weeks


Right now I am currently 25 weeks and 2 days, but who's counting, right? Little Miss Lily is approximately the size of an eggplant, 9.2 inches long and 2 pounds. I get these daily and weekly updates on my phone telling me exactly what is going on inside my growing belly. 

Lately I have been feeling pretty well, minus the {already} nagging back pain and by the end of the day my tail bone is killing me. Other than that I have been feeling and doing great. It is pretty hard trying to find the time to get my work outs in during the day {nap time}, because by the end of the day my back is already hurting where I do not really feel like spending 30 minutes on my bike. But I'm trying my hardest, and hey that is what counts. 

Here is our little lady's room. It is almost done. It took me all of Munchkin's nap and another hour after he went to bed to get those dang pom poms made and hung. My thumbs are still hurting today from the hooks I had to screw into the ceiling to hang them. But I am pretty pleased with how they turned out. I still need to get a pink/purple diaper caddy (in picture there is a green one) and then I want to get a white lamp shade on the existing lamp. What is not pictured are 2 book shelves (directly across from diaper changing station), and I have to fill those with decorations. I still have about 3 months, so I'm taking my time finding the "perfect" decor. 

As for cravings, they are completely different every week. They'll go from Buffalo Wild Wings one week, to nothing but fruit and cereal the next. This week I am onto bagels with strawberry cream cheese and cheesecake. 

{I made my first homemade cheesecake this week, and it is actually pretty damn good. Too bad I have eaten almost 1/2 of it... but over the span of a week is not too bad, right?}

I start my third trimester on July 31st, so in a week and a half I'll be in the last "leg" of my pregnancy. 

Our little Lily has really been kicking, dancing, and playing a ton lately. Especially when my little Munchkin is laying or sitting on my lap, probably because he is smashing her. She also seems to go nuts when we are outside at the pool, most likely because the sun is so bright. My weekly updates said that this week she is now able to open her eyes, explains why she goes wild with my exposed belly in the sunlight. 

That last piece of cheesecake is calling my name...

Our Munchkin started swim lessons this week, his second one is tonight and I am anxious to see how he does. During his first lesson it took him about 30 minutes to warm up to the instructor, he was awesome though and went over 15 minutes since he started listening and having a good time {the lessons are 30 minutes}. And after the lesson he did not want to leave, tonight we are going to try and go early so he can start warming up before the lesson even starts. We'll see how that goes... Keep you all posted on the swim lessons. 

I am still working on finishing Munchkin's room. I feel it is harder to complete his room for some reason. This week we got his name up, we put it on a little skim board from Hawaii. It looks really good, I just want to reposition his name on the board... Only problem is I have to do it when he's napping, I'll just have to take it down before nap next time. 

Munchkin is very excited for Lily to make her appearance. Ever since my brother and his wife had their little girl, he keeps poking my belly button saying that he's putting Lily on "high" so she'll get here faster. He really cracks me up! Every night before bed he gives me a kiss, and then gives my belly a kiss. He is going to be such a good big brother, I cannot wait!

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