Tuesday, July 10, 2012

4th of July Week at the Lake

Munchkin surfed with Daddy!

Hanging out on the back of the boat with Aunt Beanie

Absolutely in love with his new cousin, Harper

I told him Tyson (my Aunt's dog) is coming down with them this week, he's obsessed with that dog!

Welcome sweet angel Harper, my new niece

On Tuesday the 3rd of July we set off in the clouds for the lake. We had been waiting and waiting to schedule this trip as my SIL (sister-in-law) was due with their 3rd child on the 5th, which they did not find out the sex of. She was feeling fine so we set off on our way to relax for the holiday. 

The 4th of July we spent on the lake. It was a perfect lake day. Hardly any traffic on the water, low wind, hot temperatures, and warm water. Fireworks on the lake late that night, beautiful and Munchkin loved them. No news from my SIL, she was still feeling well.

The day after the big holiday, SIL's due date, I woke up to a text saying baby GIRL Harper made her grand appearance at 4am. I was beyond excited that I didn't realize it was 6am and rolled over and woke up the Hubbs and told him the good news. I teared up I was so excited. I know my brother and SIL have been hoping it was a girl. Needless to say, my dad and brother are already wrapped around her sweet precious little finger. 

The rest of that day was filled with pictures and details of the birth and how my SIL was doing. 

Friday the 6th of July we all spent it on the lake all day, as we usually do. Still perfect lake weather and not too busy.

On the 7th of July (Saturday) we got out on the water and some of Hubb's family came over to play also. Munchkin surfed for the first time, along with his two cousins. They all had a blast and were so proud of themselves, it was the cutest thing ever. That night we had a big family dinner and all the kids played and had a ball. 

Sunday we were able to head home and we got to meet our newest niece, Harper Ann. She is so sweet and adorable. 

Munchkin is so in love with her. He is constantly wanting to hold and kiss her. Every night since he met Harper, he keeps asking for his little sister to come out so he can hold, kiss, and play with her. He also likes to press my belly button and say he's turning her on "high" so she'll cook quicker. 

He cracks me up. 

My Aunt Karla, her two boys, and their dog Tyson are in town to meet Harper. We went out to my parents last night and Munchkin was in heaven playing with his cousins and that sweet little dog. Today he went out there to play again and they said he carried "Ty-guy" all around.

Can you tell he wants a dog?... Maybe we'll start with a fish... 

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