Friday, July 27, 2012

Hormonal Episode...

This morning Munchkin and I were sitting at the table coloring while I was working on my brother's birthday gift. Wish I got a picture, but I did not finish this project till we were already delivering it... But we made him a "30 Sucks!" tin filled with candy and suckers, then went and got balloons and attached them.

When we were delivering it to the office, my mom was pulling up too. So after giving my brother his little birthday "snack", we decided to go shopping. First we went to Best Buy to get my mom a few things she'll need for their trip {SIDE NOTE: I don't think I've mentioned, but my parents are heading to London next week for the Olympics. A good friend of the family, and employee at the office will be competing!! His name is Darius Dradvilla and he'll be competing in the track and field portion for Lithuania. So so so excited for him!!!! GOOD LUCK DARIUS!} 

After Best Buy we went to Shoe Carnival because Nana {my mom} said she was going to get Munchkin some new shoes. He picked out 3 pairs, and got 2 of them. He picked out some bright blue Reeboks with white soles and then some black Nikes with bright orange soles. 

When leaving the shoe store I noticed the back end of a truck sticking way out in the parking lot, which just happened to be parked next to my vehicle... It was a 4 door extended cab, extended bed super long truck that was parked at about a 45 degree angle with the front end almost touching the front of my car and the back end blocking most of the space next to it on the other side. Well, me being pregnant it was very difficult to get into the drivers side without touching this truck. The fact that it was parked like this made me pretty aggrevated. But what really got my hormones raging was that there were about 100 other open spots. This moron did NOT have to park right next to me!!! 

Part of me wanted to wait till this person came out and I'd have a little chat, but being with a 2 year old and still needing to go to a few other places before lunch I did not have much of a choice. So I searched my car up and down for something to write on. There were so many things I would have liked to have written, but wanting to be a "good example" for my son, even though he had no clue what was going on, I wrote a nicer note than this person probably deserved. 

I found a Jimmy Johns napkin that I swear had a booger on it from Munchkin (that made it perfect). I wish I would have added that I was pregnant and hormonal, but I left that part out...

"Learn how to park or get a smaller truck. Have a nice day." 

My mom always told me that you get farther with sugar. So I tried to apply that here. There are so many other things that I could have written on this booger napkin, or even written it with my key on their door. I was actually that mad! But I didn't. 

My other big pet peeve {driving related}, people that do not use their blinkers! Mostly because they just slam on their brakes before turning and/or their break lights are out... 

Would you have written something different on the note?

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Pregnancy Update

12 weeks

16 weeks

18 weeks

19 weeks

20 weeks

22 weeks

23 weeks

24 weeks 

25 weeks


Right now I am currently 25 weeks and 2 days, but who's counting, right? Little Miss Lily is approximately the size of an eggplant, 9.2 inches long and 2 pounds. I get these daily and weekly updates on my phone telling me exactly what is going on inside my growing belly. 

Lately I have been feeling pretty well, minus the {already} nagging back pain and by the end of the day my tail bone is killing me. Other than that I have been feeling and doing great. It is pretty hard trying to find the time to get my work outs in during the day {nap time}, because by the end of the day my back is already hurting where I do not really feel like spending 30 minutes on my bike. But I'm trying my hardest, and hey that is what counts. 

Here is our little lady's room. It is almost done. It took me all of Munchkin's nap and another hour after he went to bed to get those dang pom poms made and hung. My thumbs are still hurting today from the hooks I had to screw into the ceiling to hang them. But I am pretty pleased with how they turned out. I still need to get a pink/purple diaper caddy (in picture there is a green one) and then I want to get a white lamp shade on the existing lamp. What is not pictured are 2 book shelves (directly across from diaper changing station), and I have to fill those with decorations. I still have about 3 months, so I'm taking my time finding the "perfect" decor. 

As for cravings, they are completely different every week. They'll go from Buffalo Wild Wings one week, to nothing but fruit and cereal the next. This week I am onto bagels with strawberry cream cheese and cheesecake. 

{I made my first homemade cheesecake this week, and it is actually pretty damn good. Too bad I have eaten almost 1/2 of it... but over the span of a week is not too bad, right?}

I start my third trimester on July 31st, so in a week and a half I'll be in the last "leg" of my pregnancy. 

Our little Lily has really been kicking, dancing, and playing a ton lately. Especially when my little Munchkin is laying or sitting on my lap, probably because he is smashing her. She also seems to go nuts when we are outside at the pool, most likely because the sun is so bright. My weekly updates said that this week she is now able to open her eyes, explains why she goes wild with my exposed belly in the sunlight. 

That last piece of cheesecake is calling my name...

Our Munchkin started swim lessons this week, his second one is tonight and I am anxious to see how he does. During his first lesson it took him about 30 minutes to warm up to the instructor, he was awesome though and went over 15 minutes since he started listening and having a good time {the lessons are 30 minutes}. And after the lesson he did not want to leave, tonight we are going to try and go early so he can start warming up before the lesson even starts. We'll see how that goes... Keep you all posted on the swim lessons. 

I am still working on finishing Munchkin's room. I feel it is harder to complete his room for some reason. This week we got his name up, we put it on a little skim board from Hawaii. It looks really good, I just want to reposition his name on the board... Only problem is I have to do it when he's napping, I'll just have to take it down before nap next time. 

Munchkin is very excited for Lily to make her appearance. Ever since my brother and his wife had their little girl, he keeps poking my belly button saying that he's putting Lily on "high" so she'll get here faster. He really cracks me up! Every night before bed he gives me a kiss, and then gives my belly a kiss. He is going to be such a good big brother, I cannot wait!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

4th of July Week at the Lake

Munchkin surfed with Daddy!

Hanging out on the back of the boat with Aunt Beanie

Absolutely in love with his new cousin, Harper

I told him Tyson (my Aunt's dog) is coming down with them this week, he's obsessed with that dog!

Welcome sweet angel Harper, my new niece

On Tuesday the 3rd of July we set off in the clouds for the lake. We had been waiting and waiting to schedule this trip as my SIL (sister-in-law) was due with their 3rd child on the 5th, which they did not find out the sex of. She was feeling fine so we set off on our way to relax for the holiday. 

The 4th of July we spent on the lake. It was a perfect lake day. Hardly any traffic on the water, low wind, hot temperatures, and warm water. Fireworks on the lake late that night, beautiful and Munchkin loved them. No news from my SIL, she was still feeling well.

The day after the big holiday, SIL's due date, I woke up to a text saying baby GIRL Harper made her grand appearance at 4am. I was beyond excited that I didn't realize it was 6am and rolled over and woke up the Hubbs and told him the good news. I teared up I was so excited. I know my brother and SIL have been hoping it was a girl. Needless to say, my dad and brother are already wrapped around her sweet precious little finger. 

The rest of that day was filled with pictures and details of the birth and how my SIL was doing. 

Friday the 6th of July we all spent it on the lake all day, as we usually do. Still perfect lake weather and not too busy.

On the 7th of July (Saturday) we got out on the water and some of Hubb's family came over to play also. Munchkin surfed for the first time, along with his two cousins. They all had a blast and were so proud of themselves, it was the cutest thing ever. That night we had a big family dinner and all the kids played and had a ball. 

Sunday we were able to head home and we got to meet our newest niece, Harper Ann. She is so sweet and adorable. 

Munchkin is so in love with her. He is constantly wanting to hold and kiss her. Every night since he met Harper, he keeps asking for his little sister to come out so he can hold, kiss, and play with her. He also likes to press my belly button and say he's turning her on "high" so she'll cook quicker. 

He cracks me up. 

My Aunt Karla, her two boys, and their dog Tyson are in town to meet Harper. We went out to my parents last night and Munchkin was in heaven playing with his cousins and that sweet little dog. Today he went out there to play again and they said he carried "Ty-guy" all around.

Can you tell he wants a dog?... Maybe we'll start with a fish...