Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Kiddo's Picture Overload

Our little Munchkin wanted a Mohawk like his favorite soccer player on the Wichita Wings soccer team, so I finally gave in and let him get it.

Little Lady is getting so big!!!

Zoo day :-)

Such a cool kid with his shades and mohawk

I love lazy days!!

Munchkin loves to make Lady smile, and then is so proud of himself 

Playing down stairs

Holding her head up so well

Munchkin is loving gymnastics more and more

Lady's room is our storage unit for the time being

Road trip to Kansas City for Aunt Beanie's birthday!! 

Cousin's watching a movie, they weren't having any fun!! Ha ha

They're both getting so big!! 7 months and 3 months

Papa loves his little granddaughters more than words!!


Happy Valentine's Day


So happy

Lady just rolled over so Munchkin was saying how proud of her he was, and then an ever so sweet kiss

I just can't help myself!!

Valentine's Day party at Preschool

Valentine's Day Sweeties

I was actually trying to get a picture of her putting her thumb in the middle of her passi, but then realized she was flipping the bird... and that face to go along with it!! Ha ha

Handmade head bands by Nana

Big girl!! Almost 4 months old

Getting good at grabbing stuff and then immediately bringing it to her mouth

Munchkin is singing nursery rhymes to Lady. Melts my heart to see their relationship blossoming 

Munchkin wanted to wear his "Bob the Builder" hat to school because the week before him and another kid ran into each other and are each sporting nice bruises on their foreheads. 

Playing with Lady's toys... Hubbs was trying to get him to play basketball or cars and all he wanted was to put her "makeup" in the purse and talk on the pretend purple phone. I was dying laughing the entire time, he even put the purse on his shoulder and walked around the house!!

Morning chats are the best!

My world in a nutshell! (minus Hubbs)

These past 4 months have been amazing! I wouldn't trade a thing. We have definitely had a few rough days {and nights} though. But I feel we are finally getting into a groove. 

It is so clique to say, but it is so hard imagining life without these little ones!

Life as a family of 4 is a true blessing. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us :-)

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