Forgive me for I have not posted in quite a while. I have had my hands full trying to get our little ones on some sort of a schedule again.
Munchkin has been loving school still! He has a lot of friends but always talks about Ryan and how they are always playing together in class. He had a Christmas program at school and did amazing! He can also spell his name and sing his ABCs, along with so much more!
He also loves his sister so much! It is so sweet to watch sometimes when he will stop playing or whatever he is doing to get her a toy or come check on her of just to simply give her a kiss.
Our little lady on the other hand had been a little handful in the evenings. I thought she could be a little colicky, but I believe she is starting to "grow out of it"...
I don't have her on a set schedule like I did with Munchkin because we are always on the go and I do not want to be stuck at home all day everyday!
For Christmas all little man wanted was a yellow camaro. As some of you may know, he has a slight car obsession, I do not know where he gets it (sarcastically of course). Poor Little Lady didn't get much besides cute clothes and bows. She also got her first 2 pairs of Uggs, not spoiled at all! But what else do you get a 2 month old?
The past 2 months have been an adventure for sure! There have been many days I didn't get my To-Do List completed, or the house picked up, but I would not trade any of it for the world! Every time Munchkin kisses his sister without being prompted or Little Ladly gives a big smile, I just can't help but feel truly blessed!!
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