Saturday, August 11, 2012


Yes, this is an idea I got off of Pinterest. And just let me say that I will never, I repeat, NEVER, fry up our bacon on the stove top again! 

The website that I got this idea off said to put it on foil and bake at 375 degrees for 20 minutes. But we like out bacon pretty crispy, so I baked it for 25 minutes. They also said to put the bacon on foil, I used parchment paper {to each their own}, and to put it in the oven BEFORE turning the oven on. As soon as you put it in the oven and turn it on, start your timer. When done, put on paper towels to dry.

That is it my friends. I did not have to wear an oven mit while frying this greasy breakfast treat, nor did I have to keep going back and forth with flipping the bacon while making scrambled eggs and pancakes. The ENTIRE piece was crispy and delicious.

And to top it off, clean up was a breeze! AND my house does not smell nearly as bad as when it is fried. Sure it still smelled of bacon, but more like the later in the day bacon smell.

My next Pinterest adventure you ask? I am going to try to make my own Energy Granola Bars... But first to investigate to see if {price-wise} it will be worth it to make my own. 

I will keep ya posted. 

1 comment:

  1. Lay the bacon on a cookie rack so that the grease drips down - makes it even better! I love making bacon in the oven!
