Big boy showing off new underwear.
I have been telling myself for a while now that we need to start potty training. I've honestly been stressing about this. Mostly because whenever he even enters the bathroom he starts screaming.
Well I got everything set up in the {unfinished} basement; lots of towels, portable potty, and lots of drinks. The only thing I didn't really think about, is bringing lots of spare undies down.
This morning we went through 6 pairs of underwear, but he went on the potty 7 times!!! I'm one proud Mommy!
And after the first time of him actually going in the potty, and I got maybe a little overly excited, I really think he got over his "screaming potty blues".
I do not want to be bragging, especially on the first day {morning}, because he likes to always throw a kink in most things... So here's hoping that the rest of this "experience" goes well.