Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Junior League of Wichita

As some of you may know, I am a member of the Junior League of Wichita. This year I sat on the Smiles and Tiles Committee. Last year, as a League, we voted to become issue based on CHILD ABUSE. As this League year comes to an end, I would like to share my experience with the rest of you.

This was my first active year, which means this year was the first time I was able to sit on a Committee. Last year was my New Member Year, where I was taught about the League and really got to get my hands dirty within the community.

In the League, you get a say in which Committee you would like to be on. It does not mean that is the Committee you will end up sitting on, but you definitely get a say in it. Last year, at this exact time of year, I sat at my computer for hours reading all about all of the different Committees, their requirements, who was the Chair, etc. When it came down to it, I had to ask myself if I wanted to work "internally" (more so behind the scenes; for example, in the finances) or "externally" (working out in the community) with the League.

At the beginning of this League year, I did not know what to expect. I was so excited to be working on this Committee, but I was also so nervous because I did not know exactly what we were going to be doing with the Child Advocacy Center of Sedgwick County (CACSC).

At our first Committee meeting, we were given a great deal of information about the CACSC. It was almost overwhelming. But I took that packet home and little by little, I read it all. The budget (from the League) was kind of confusing. Every little penny was broken down on where we were going to spend it. I was put in the "Conference Room and Waiting Room Updating" with two other ladies. Thankfully one of the ladies in our small group was a decorator and she got to use her special talent in this project. We put together Community Credit (just about everyone in the League has to complete a certain amount of community service hours, i.e. Community Credits) opportunities for the League to come help paint the CAC. We painted all of our rooms, bought them new furniture, art, toys, books, etc.

We had a great time painting, shopping, eating, talking, etc. All in all, this was a good year. Even though I did not work with any of the kids face to face, I feel like I did a lot for the CAC. In improving their space where they work with these family, I feel these children will feel more comfortable (if possible) when going through these hard times in their lives.

With all of this said, I would like to share a little from our General Meeting from last night:
Junior League of Wichita's most recent cookbook, Pinches and Dashes, has teamed up with Newport Grill for a night of fun, food, jazz, and charity. Tickets are $65 and half of the proceeds will be going back to Junior League of Wichita to help support our mission. If you are interested in attending, contact Newport Grill 636-9555 to reserve your seat. It is open to the public, so feel free to come and enjoy five wines and four courses. This event is taking place on Monday, April 30th at 6pm. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Thank you and please help do your part in spreading awareness since this is National Child Abuse Prevention Month.

Wear BLUE on Friday, April the 13th to show your support in fighting Child Abuse.

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