Thursday, July 11, 2013

Vail Vacation

My little family at the bottom of the mountain.

Munchkin and Little Lady playing in one of the fountains in Vail Village.

My baby girl and me.

The little man of the house and me.

I can't believe how fast he's growing up!

More baby blues that melt my heart!

Hubbs and I after my birthday dinner,

We had a fabulous time in Vail! It was my first time going in the summer and I cannot wait to go back again! Munchkin was asking when we would be coming back as we were loading the plane to head home. He had so much fun riding the gondolas, playing in the fountains and spending time with family. I think we all did actually. To see his face light up as we'd wait to load into the gondolas made the trip for me! And next year when Little Lady is older and more able to understand and participate in everything will make it that much more enjoyable!

Here are a few more pictures from the trip.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Just a few thing I want to get off my chest...

My little Munchkin goes to school three days a week, at a church by our house. Well the teaching staff reminds the parents about 10 times a year about not parking up front and to drive slow through the parking lot. This morning we were running a little late and I noticed there were 4 or 5 cars parked up front. And I thought for a second about parking up there since it was 35 degrees out with a stiff wind, but didn't, I want to set a good example about following rules no matter what. As I slowly drove to the spot I always park in, here comes a minivan flying around from the back of the parking lot. They whipped it in the spot right next to where I park so I just went to the next spot over {I usually leave a spot open on the drivers side since that's the side I get the kids out and I like to have extra room}.


The mother getting out of this minivan opens her door with a vengeance and starts yelling at her kids, I'm guessing that were 1 and 3 years old. To "hurry the hell up and get your ass out of your seat". I was appalled! We were already almost out of the car and ended up walking behind them, the entire time walking towards the church she was quietly screaming at them for "taking too damn long" at everything under the sun. While she was 'talking' to her kids in this manner, I tried to stay just far enough behind so that my son could not make out all of the bad words she was saying to her young children.

After making it inside, she changed her tune instantly. The director of the preschool was inside greeting people and she could have won Mother of the Year once around everyone else.

She probably would have thought I was stalking her because on the way out, I was once again right behind her. After she basically threw her 1 year old in the car and told him to buckle himself she sped out of the parking lot swerving around another vehicle starting to back out of their spot.

During this, I'm sure my mouth was wide open. I mean there were little kids EVERYWHERE in the parking lot and here she is going about 30 down the isle.

I know people have bad days and are running late all of the time. But there is never a good excuse to use that kind of language with your children, ESPECIALLY at that age! I am seriously considering going in and talking to the director about sending out another letter to all parents to be cautious and drive slow through the parking lot. I would be horrified if there were to be an accident involving a child in that parking lot (or anywhere for that matter)!!

One more thing, I must have a sign on my vehicle that says "Park as close to my drivers side as possible" because about 75% of the time when coming out from anywhere, there is always some other vehicle parked on or over the line so that it is almost impossible to load my daughter in the car in her car seat. There have been multiple times that I have had to load her from the passenger side. I even park out  about 5 spots from where people are. Never fails.

Sorry, just had to share that story and this frustrating pet-peeve of mine.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Kiddo's Picture Overload

Our little Munchkin wanted a Mohawk like his favorite soccer player on the Wichita Wings soccer team, so I finally gave in and let him get it.

Little Lady is getting so big!!!

Zoo day :-)

Such a cool kid with his shades and mohawk

I love lazy days!!

Munchkin loves to make Lady smile, and then is so proud of himself 

Playing down stairs

Holding her head up so well

Munchkin is loving gymnastics more and more

Lady's room is our storage unit for the time being

Road trip to Kansas City for Aunt Beanie's birthday!! 

Cousin's watching a movie, they weren't having any fun!! Ha ha

They're both getting so big!! 7 months and 3 months

Papa loves his little granddaughters more than words!!


Happy Valentine's Day


So happy

Lady just rolled over so Munchkin was saying how proud of her he was, and then an ever so sweet kiss

I just can't help myself!!

Valentine's Day party at Preschool

Valentine's Day Sweeties

I was actually trying to get a picture of her putting her thumb in the middle of her passi, but then realized she was flipping the bird... and that face to go along with it!! Ha ha

Handmade head bands by Nana

Big girl!! Almost 4 months old

Getting good at grabbing stuff and then immediately bringing it to her mouth

Munchkin is singing nursery rhymes to Lady. Melts my heart to see their relationship blossoming 

Munchkin wanted to wear his "Bob the Builder" hat to school because the week before him and another kid ran into each other and are each sporting nice bruises on their foreheads. 

Playing with Lady's toys... Hubbs was trying to get him to play basketball or cars and all he wanted was to put her "makeup" in the purse and talk on the pretend purple phone. I was dying laughing the entire time, he even put the purse on his shoulder and walked around the house!!

Morning chats are the best!

My world in a nutshell! (minus Hubbs)

These past 4 months have been amazing! I wouldn't trade a thing. We have definitely had a few rough days {and nights} though. But I feel we are finally getting into a groove. 

It is so clique to say, but it is so hard imagining life without these little ones!

Life as a family of 4 is a true blessing. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us :-)

Friday, January 25, 2013

Birchbox Product Update

Yesterday I posted all about the products in my first Birchbox. Well today I would like to update on the last product and change my original review of one other sample.

Kerastase Elixir. This is an oil for your hair. It is supposed to leave your hair silky and shiny. I used this product this morning in place of my usual smoothing serum. My hair is definitely shinier and softer than usual. One minor problem, my hair gets static very easily. Boy oh boy does my hair have static with this product. I think this Elixir would be better off in supper curly hair or hair that is extremely damaged. OR maybe to use after hair is already dried and styled to add a little shine. I give this hair product a B because I will not be using it again but it might work better {as I previously mentioned} for other hair types.

DDF Wrinkle Resist Plus Pore Minimizer. I would like to change my original grade because at the end of the day my face was very oily. This may be better for very dry skin in my opinion. My face is not normally oily at the end of the day and I feel like I had sprayed Pam all over my face. Gross. Changing grade to a C.

Hope some of this may have helped! Have a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Let me tell you how excited I was to finally get my Birchbox in the mail yesterday!! My husband even knew to bring it home when he got the mail :-) 

After reading up on all these products as I pulled them out of the box, I decided I was going to try everything, as anyone should if they get a Birchbox. 

Viva La Juicy parfum spray. I received a Juicy parfum a while ago for Christmas and I was not really a fan. Love their clothes but was never really impressed with their scents. This one on the other hand, LOVE! I will definitely be buying the full size bottle of this amazingly sweet scent. A++

DDF Wrinkle Resist Plus Pore Minimizer Moisturizing Serum. I added this to my morning routine today and after I put it on, I adored it. It made my skin matte and soft. I also did notice that my pores appeared smaller. I am not normally oily or anything at the end of the day, so I do not know {yet} on how my skin will look at the end of the day. But for now, I give this an A. 

Kerastase Nectar Thermique. This hair product is for dry to very dry hair and it says it will give you nourishing care with a heat-styling protective agent. My normal after shower routine for my hair is usually some smoothing serum and volumizing spray at the crown. So I replaced my smoothing serum with this product and I really like it, more than the product I have been using. I feel like my hair has more volume and shine, and it smells pretty good too. This may sound odd, but it smells professional. Like when you go get your hair done at the salon. B+ {Not an A because I do not feel it really "nourished" my hair as much as it said it would}

Kerastase Elixir Ultime. Will be trying tomorrow as I wanted to try these hair products separately. Stay tuned... 

Hot Mama the Balm. I would have never ever picked this color for myself in the store, but I have to say that I absolutely love this!!! It is a little orangey-pink in the package, but looks completely natural on. I usually use a very pink blush so this is very nice for a change. A.


As I already said, I will be buying the Viva La Juicy parfum. I might give the hair products a couple tries as the full size bottles are rather expensive! I do not think I will be buying the blush {Hot Mama the Balm} as of yet because the sample size will most likely last me about 2 months. 

I have heard mixed reviews on Birchboxes. I am also thinking of signing up for Ipsy because I have heard you get more full size bottles of products instead of rather small sample sizes. My husband questioned if this months Birchbox was really worth $10 since the samples were tiny, I honestly do believe it is because if I were to buy every product full size, it totals up to $275. 

If you are thinking about signing up for Birchbox or Ipsy, I would recommend looking on Instagram under #Birchbox and #Ipsy so that you can see what other people have gotten and their reviews. I spent a little time doing this yesterday and really want to sign up for Ipsy... but gotta go over this with the Hubbs. 

Cannot wait till next months Birchbox... and hopefully I will be off the wait list for Ipsy and get that one too!! Keep ya'll posted :-)