Just a few thing I want to get off my chest...
My little Munchkin goes to school three days a week, at a church by our house. Well the teaching staff reminds the parents about 10 times a year about not parking up front and to drive slow through the parking lot. This morning we were running a little late and I noticed there were 4 or 5 cars parked up front. And I thought for a second about parking up there since it was 35 degrees out with a stiff wind, but didn't, I want to set a good example about following rules no matter what. As I slowly drove to the spot I always park in, here comes a minivan flying around from the back of the parking lot. They whipped it in the spot right next to where I park so I just went to the next spot over {I usually leave a spot open on the drivers side since that's the side I get the kids out and I like to have extra room}.
The mother getting out of this minivan opens her door with a vengeance and starts yelling at her kids, I'm guessing that were 1 and 3 years old. To "hurry the hell up and get your ass out of your seat". I was appalled! We were already almost out of the car and ended up walking behind them, the entire time walking towards the church she was quietly screaming at them for "taking too damn long" at everything under the sun. While she was 'talking' to her kids in this manner, I tried to stay just far enough behind so that my son could not make out all of the bad words she was saying to her young children.
After making it inside, she changed her tune instantly. The director of the preschool was inside greeting people and she could have won Mother of the Year once around everyone else.
She probably would have thought I was stalking her because on the way out, I was once again right behind her. After she basically threw her 1 year old in the car and told him to buckle himself she sped out of the parking lot swerving around another vehicle starting to back out of their spot.
During this, I'm sure my mouth was wide open. I mean there were little kids EVERYWHERE in the parking lot and here she is going about 30 down the isle.
I know people have bad days and are running late all of the time. But there is never a good excuse to use that kind of language with your children, ESPECIALLY at that age! I am seriously considering going in and talking to the director about sending out another letter to all parents to be cautious and drive slow through the parking lot. I would be horrified if there were to be an accident involving a child in that parking lot (or anywhere for that matter)!!
One more thing, I must have a sign on my vehicle that says "Park as close to my drivers side as possible" because about 75% of the time when coming out from anywhere, there is always some other vehicle parked on or over the line so that it is almost impossible to load my daughter in the car in her car seat. There have been multiple times that I have had to load her from the passenger side. I even park out about 5 spots from where people are. Never fails.
Sorry, just had to share that story and this frustrating pet-peeve of mine.