Sunday, June 24, 2012

Birth Day

Munchkin at Nana and Papa's house

He is a little fish, my parents said all he wanted to do was swim all evening

Hubbs brought me these beautiful flowers this morning with my Birthday breakfast and coffee! 

Today is my birthday and I could not feel more loved. We actually went out last night and celebrated. Ate at {one of} my favorite restaurants, Bonefish. I always seem to be craving their Bang Bang Shrimp and Crab Cakes, simply amazing! Then we came home with the plan of renting a movie and relaxing but in all honesty we ended up spending about 2 hours cleaning our closet out. Ha ha. Before dinner we actually thought about spending the evening painting the kid's bathroom and hallway, but decided against it since the paint wasn't on sale till today. 

After cleaning out the closet, we went and got ice cream :-)

Munchkin stayed the night with Nana and Papa, and from what we've heard so far is that he was a total doll and had a blast! 

Today we got to sleep in and Hubbs went and got me breakfast and coffee. Along with some beautiful flowers. We have taken our time to get around this morning and then will venture out to my parents house to spend the day out there swimming and hanging out. 

I actually feel spoiled as I already got all my birthday gifts earlier this week as we went to Dallas Monday through Wednesday because Hubbs had a seminar down there. So we flew down and stayed at the Galleria. During the day Hubbs was in his seminar while Munchkin, Nana (my mom), and I spent our time shopping. 

Hubbs and Munchkin got me my purple Yurman bracelet {back story: when I was pregnant with our little man and found out he was a boy I got a blue Yurman, so since we found out this bun in the oven is a lady, I got a purple one}, my parents got me my diaper bag, and my in laws gave me shopping money to buy some {badly needed} "maternity" clothes. 

I feel truly blessed to have such amazing family and thank everyone for their birthday wishes. 

My wish for my 27th birthday is to have a smooth delivery with our little lady, and for all my friends family to be happy and healthy. I have a good feeling about this year...

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Tablerock Weekend

We announced our little baby girl's name this weekend to our family. Lillian "Lily" Mae will be here in October.

Papa and Nana came out to see us off

Daddy and Munchkin looking pretty cozy before take off

Munchkin and I

Munchkin with Papa, so excited to be flying

Munchkin with his other Papa fishing, caught their first fish within 5 seconds!! The second one didn't even take that long!

About to head out for an early morning cruise on the jet ski

In the Mastercraft Parade on Tablerock, that is the lead boat in front of us

The Mastercrafts behind us in the parade

Mastercraft Reunion on Tablerock. Here are about 1/2 of the boats tied up

Daddy and Munchkin out on the jet ski, little man is in HEAVEN!

New swim trunks because the ones we brought (that he wore last week) didn't fit!

Daddy and Munchkin checking out some other boats

Munchkin and I in the front of the boat, he loved to sit up there

Not a great picture, but it's about 1/3 of all the boats

Me: What are you doing buddy?
Munchkin: Silly Mommy, Me playing games on my phone.

So excited to be heading out on the jet ski

Dirty, dirty, dirty pigs

We had a great time at Tablerock this weekend. We flew into Branson Wednesday evening and spent time with the in-law's. It was so good to see everyone and Munchkin had a blast. 

Thursday was a little chilly in the morning, but of course little man wanted to be on the water all day, so we were. 

Friday, again on the water all day.

Saturday was the Mastercraft Reunion. We all got up and around early and loaded up the boat. It took about 30-45 minutes to get over to the "meeting place" for all the boats. At 10am sharp, the parade started and we were right behind the lead boat, Munchkin loved that! From there it took about 30+ minutes to get to the tie up spot. We all tied up our boats and floated while watching the pro-wakeboarders compete. During the competition, a few pro's came around to some boats and signed pictures, shirts, cups, etc. It was fun to chat with some of them and see how the competition was going for them, and we all learned some about the pro's. 

We left the competition around 1pm so that we could head to Mamo's (Hubb's grandma) so that little man could take a nap. It was an added bonus that some more family was there. We got to meet the new baby in the family and got to chat with the new parents and grandparents. It was so nice to catch up! 

After little man woke up we headed to dinner on the lake on the way home. We finally got home around 7pm. It was definitely a full day on the lake, but we all had a great time. 

Sunday, we woke up, cleaned and loaded up and headed to the airport where this time my father-in-law and brother-in-law flew back with us while my mother-in-law drove back. 

Now I've already gotten little man down for his nap, unpacked, and started the laundry... I just need to relax now :-) 

I had a great weekend with the family! And I hope everyone else did as well. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Potty Training Days 4 and 5

Getting a drink on the golf course

All ready for the lake

Helping Mommy start dinner, such a good helper


We started the morning off with a family trip to the grocery store where Munchkin told us he had to pee, and held it the entire way across the grocery store. 

No accidents all day!

Day 5

Little man and I went and got donuts, then a short visit to the office to drop breakfast off. Told me he had to pee twice. 

He gets so excited after he uses the potty and says, "Mommy you so proud of me?" I absolutely love it!

TMI WARNING: He's also pooped in the toilet twice!! 

No accidents so far today either.

I cannot get over how well he's doing and how he's been getting so excited!! I could not be more proud of my little man!

Munchkin had known from the beginning somehow that this baby was a girl, and he had named her "Katie". Well when the sex was confirmed, he changed his mind and decided he wanted a boy and started calling the baby "Dirt". 

Just the other day he kept asking about the baby in my tummy. So I explained that it is his sister and then told him her name. He prefers to call her "sister" now. So cute. 

Little man's bed rails arrived today for his new room. We will come to that battle next Monday... 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Potty Training Day 3/Random Thoughts


This morning I HAD to get out of the house. So we figured that since our little man did great yesterday, we would try and venture out for a little bit, to test the "water" so to speak. 

Well we woke up and got around and headed to Bed Bath and Beyond around 9:30am. Then we went to the Pet Store because little man loves to see the kitties there. And the final errand was to the bank. 

At 10:30am we were off to the Riverfest to watch the Jet Skies race on the river. Munchkin LOVED this!! I mean he was in total heaven. After we had our fill, we headed to lunch in Delano. 

Got home around 12:30pm and realized our neighborhood pool party was happening {totally forgot}, so we jumped on the golf cart and headed to the pool where we chatted with some neighbors and little man ate a bag of Cheetoh's. 

Finally came inside at 1pm where Munchkin went down for his nap.



This baby girl has such a sweet "tooth". And since my favorite bakery was already closed today, I decided to raid the pantry and to my astonishment, I had all the ingredients to make the cookies myself- Chocolate Peanut-Butter No Bake Cookies. I usually just go get them from Connie's Cookies, but I think I found a recipe that is about dead on with their recipe. 

I have had 3 already, and seriously contemplating another. 

And with one of my favorite movies on, Practical Magic, it's so hard not to just chow down on some popcorn and cookies... Damn.

I'm going to have to work out for like 4 hours tonight with all the #$&@#%^ I've been eating. Might as well throw some Buffalo Wild Wings in there and call it a day.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Potty Training Day 2/Pregnancy Update

Loves his green Percy underwear!! 

Yesterday after Munchkin woke up from his {very long} nap, he was not very pleased to be sitting back on that potty. I'm guessing this is going to be a small battle for a while. After he sat down and peed and I got excited, he got back into it. No accidents yesterday evening!


No accidents this morning, and even pooped in the toilet!! I'm one proud Mommy!! He even told me a couple times when he had to go, and was so excited about it. I was so surprised when he stopped in the middle of jumping on the trampoline to go potty! 

Now let's just wait and see how this evening goes.

I know what some people say about rewarding children with food. But I honestly do not believe that this is the case. Last night we let little man pick dinner, and he decided on pizza. And then today he got to pick what he wanted for lunch, and he said {left over} pizza with Cheetoh's. So I had the hubbs pick up some Cheetoh's on his way home from work for lunch. 

Don't judge.


As you all may know, we found out that our little Munchkin is getting a little sister. We are thrilled. Hubbs and I actually made a bet before we went into the sonogram over the gender. I had really mixed feelings on the gender of the baby lately. I wanted a boy so that we didn't have to buy much, not to mention I would not have to touch the nursery {besides raising the mattress in the crib}. But now that it's a girl, I feel like our bank account might take notice. Ha ha. I promised Hubbs that I would be good and not buy stuff until we really need it. 

Of course I will be redoing the nursery. And I found some stuff I really like, but it's a little pricey. So I'm going to keep looking. For the first time, I couldn't find anything on Pottery Barn Kids that I liked... of course it's all cute, but I have a different picture in my head of what I want. I see lots of fun girly colors, but mostly purple and brown and cream/white. 

And now for the name. We have 2 picked out, and I have my favorite. Shoot, I already have the entire name picked out, ha ha. But I have to chat with the Hubbs on if we are going to announce the name this soon, or do what we did with Munchkin and pick from the 2 when we actually see the little Babe. 

Decisions. Decisions.

All I have been wanting lately to eat is shrimp. And of course I'm only supposed to have it once a week, this has been torture! I am obsessed with the Bang Bang Shrimp from Bone Fish. If I could have that everyday, I would be in heaven!! And sushi, I talked with my doctor before eating it, and she actually told me that as long as it's cooked then I'm fine.

I've been getting more and more energy back. But after running around with my little man, I get tired quicker, which is kind of expected but it really drives me crazy. So I am getting back into my work out routine. BUT with starting potty training, it's harder to find the time to get things done while little guy is awake, therefore I have to do it while he naps which in turn takes up my work out time. With that said, I am going to promise myself to work out 5 times a week for at least 15 minutes each time. Even if I have to do it right before bed...