Tuesday, August 30, 2011

No Lolly-gagging Tuesday

Boy oh boy. How did this happen? My {not so anymore} baby is turning 2 today, TODAY!!

The invitations have gone out, the RSVPs have come in, directions been given, floors vacuumed, glass wiped clean, toys put together, so now what do I have to do today to finish up getting ready for my Munchkin's 2nd Birthday Bash?

1. Get balloons from Party City
2. Exchanges to Target
3. Vacuum new rugs in basement
4. Make cupcakes, lots and LOTS of cupcakes
5. Order food to serve for dinner; you know, minor details!
6. Oh yeah, and get my hair did...

I'm sure there are many other little to-do's that still need to be done, but this exhausted, running on a couple hours of sleep, needing lots of caffeine "Mom mom" is leaving the piddly things for the birds {today}.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

School and Birthdays

Usually this time of year is filled with so many emotions. Starting school, seeing old friends and meeting new ones, new school jitters, back to school shopping, supply lists miles long, syllabus' with a ridiculous amount of homework/tests, etc. But this year {along with a few in the past} I'm not the one going to school. And this year, the little Munchkin is starting school! Yes, school.

I enrolled my precious, curious, energetic, stylish, handsome little man in "Kids Day Inn" and "Musikgarden". He will be in "class" two days a week, but not full days, those are hopefully years away.

Musikgarden, not nervous for as we attended this class Spring semester of last year.

Kids Day Inn, another story. I've never left my Munchkin with anyone besides family. I know he will do fine, but it still makes me nervous {to leave him}. I have to keep telling myself that this will be good for him {and myself}. I cannot baby my baby forever, yes he's only {ALMOST} 2 years old, but baby steps I believe are the best.

Which brings me to another topic, my Munchkin's birthday!! Less than a week and he will be turning 2, TWO, II. Where has the time gone? Seriously, it's flown by. This is crazy. He shouldn't be going to "school", he should still be swaddled in my arms. This is what I miss the most, our special Mommy-Munchkin bonding times. We still have bonding time, it's just different now that he's my {in a good way} Maniac Munchkin.

In 2 years {which there is still time...} he has had to get 3 stitches on the tip of his finger, broken his leg, and almost gotten a concussion twice {one being yesterday}... Not to mention the endless amount of scraped knees.

But I've absolutely enjoyed every moment of everything {parenthood}. There is always some possitive when a negative is thrown your way. Learn from what happened and grow from it.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Cars vs Tonka

My number one on my To Do List this week? Planning my sweet pea's 2nd Birthday Party.

Theme options:
1. Cars (the movie)
2. Tonka Trucks
3. Airplanes
4. Trains

Or maybe all automobiles kinda party... I'm just doing a bunch of research to see what I like first... After all, aren't little kid's parties mostly for the adults anyways? I mean, at his first birthday party there were like 6 other kids and about 20 adults. And since I absolutely love to entertain, what better excuse is there?

So far online I've seen so many fantastic ideas for the Cars themed party, but it looks so expensive! So I'm thinking more of a low key party with just family and a few of Jack's friends. Of course the party pictures I found were from a celebrity's little one's party, so there is no doubt that that is going to be out of our price range. Should there even be a price range for a child's birthday party? I mean obviously, but it should by no means be ridiculously expensive! Just minimalist.

I believe that kids parties should not be outrageous {price wise}. But they should definitely be exploding with excitement for those little ones!

With all that said, I cannot wait to dive into this party planning for my little munchkin's 2nd birthday!!